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Evolve KDE


KDE Icons

Score 79%
Evolve Air
Evolve KDE

Downloads:  34355
Submitted:  Feb 13 2009
Updated:  Jul 16 2012


Hello my KDE friends!
This project... did not died - within version 5.0 of our awesome desktop environment there will be a release of complete set which I am working on.

16.07.2012: a little bit more taste...

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 Good stuff!

 by integr8e on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

I'm not an artistic critic by any means, but it looks, to me, as though you're on the right track; the icons look very nice and reflect the Oxygen style well, I'm looking forward to the set as a whole!

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 Evolve better

 by Podstavsky on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

Consecutively I'll be publishing my work effects. In progress are sound system icons (for KMix), some test of realistic camera lens and network manager wifi radar-like icons.

Today will show next corrects.

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 Very good theme...

 by atilla on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

Very good work indeed. Waiting for release. Will it be a complete icon theme? Please include distro specific icons. Like Mandriva k-menu button. Also, icons for draktools will be appricated

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 Evolve better

 by Podstavsky on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

I don't know :) Maybe "Evolve" will be a theme, but there is a lot of work to do. Icons need to be smooth and I think KDE Air is the best idea at this moment (but very hard to develop). "Evolve" presented tonight is an early beta and for now is being rebuild.

Sorry for my bad english. Here you soon...

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 good artist

 by schollidesign on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

Really you made them all you? In general I must say you make the icons very good and follows the rules for making icons right ;) For make a Set with this Hi-res-Icons you need a lot of time (1/2 or 1 year) for have a right complete Set. If you have peoples who helps you ... maybe sooner ;) Do it alone is ... how to say it correct? .... a torture :D
So I give you a tip! Make a launchpad with a trunk. Everybody who wants help you can get a member and get a login for your trunk. You are the leader and must manage others artists work ;) The communications you can do it with irc or another instant messenger ...

Maybe I could help you ... good luck and I hope we get one marvellous day a complete Set of these pretty Icons :)

Bye, schollidesign

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 Evolve better

 by Podstavsky on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%
Evolve Air

Thank you :) Yes - all of them are mine - manually painted (without textures or helping images).
I know also about the working time - one icon: 3-5 hours... Thanks also for help offer. For this time "Evolve" isn't as serious as you think. Making the icons by myself, I know that my vision will be made as quick as possible. If I feelt the mentioned "torture" I'll shout for help. For now it's just a seed.

Best wishes,

Podstavsky :)

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