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darkPearl for QtCurve


Theme/Style for KDE 4.0

Score 72%
darkPearl for QtCurve

Downloads:  31897
Submitted:  Jan 16 2009
Updated:  Jan 28 2010


Woot, 20,000 downloads! Thanks everyone!

This is a dark theme for KDE4 and QtCurve. See the README for installation details.

The wallpaper in the screenshot can be found here: http://gucken.deviantart.com/art/Starry-Night-146233028

Big thanks to Craig Drummond for QtCurve, which is the foundation of this theme.


==Version 0.6==
- Slightly darker window background
- Slightly brighter selection color
- New Gradient active tab appearance
- Gradient listview header appearance
- Gradient progressbars
- New menubar appearance (inspired by "Easy for Qtcurve")
- Glassy scrollbar groves
- Fixed alternate view background color
- Smaller radio dot
- Rewrote the README

==Version 0.5b==
- Improved widget appearance (higher saturation and brightness, higher contrast borders, modified gradient)
- Darker view background
- Darker scrollbar background
- Darkened default buttons
- Improved selection background
- Brighter progressbars
- Improved menubar/toolbar borders
- Increased widget highlighting on mouse-over for better visibility
- Changed toolbar seperators to sunken lines for better visibility
- Various minor changes and/or side-effects

==Version 0.4==
- New, improved widgets and more colorful widgets and window borders.
- Glassified inactive tabs. There is an issue when using the glassy gradient
for active tabs, so we're keeping them flat-looking for now.
- Various minor changes.

==Version 0.3==
- Compatibility with the latest QtCurve version (tweaked gradients to render properly)
- Roundedness is back
- Improved buttons
- New tab appearance
- Various other tweaks and changes here and there

==Version 0.2==
- Set the checkbox/radio button color to white for visibility.
- Fixed the window decorations. I think they look much nicer this way.
- Replaced the toolbar gradient with a new one that blends better the the window decorations.
- Set "Roundedness" to "Square". This fixes some minor graphical glitches.
- Other lesser tweaks that I can't recall the details of.

==Version 0.1==
- Initial release.

LicenseCreative Commons by
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 by paramnaesia on: Jan 16 2009
Score 50%

I forgot to mention, the wallpaper can be found here: http://l8.deviantart.com/art/Over-The-Hedge-43108473

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 Re: Wallpaper

 by nildon on: Jan 16 2009
Score 50%

Very nice indeed, thank you! I was waiting for native dark theme/style. Just one thing: I changed radios/checkboxes to white, because of better visibility.

Good job.

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 Re: Re: Wallpaper

 by paramnaesia on: Jan 16 2009
Score 50%


I completely agree with you regarding radios/checkboxes. This will be fixed as of the next version.

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 Qt/Gtk Glitches?

 by CraigD on: Jan 16 2009
Score 50%

Can you email me with the details of the glitches, and differences? Than I can try and fix.

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 Re: Qt/Gtk Glitches?

 by paramnaesia on: Jan 17 2009
Score 50%

Message sent.

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 by Vajk on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

It looks very nice, great work. Would it be possible that you make a version with orange colour instead of white ?

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 Re: colour

 by paramnaesia on: Feb 5 2009
Score 50%

Thanks. I'm not sure I understand your question, though. The only white part of the theme is the text color, which you can change easily (in System Settings->Appearance->Colors->Colors). I have a strong feeling it won't look very nice, but each to his own. :-)

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 by PincheYanqui on: Apr 26 2009
Score 50%

This is really good! I'd love to see more work form you.

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 Dark Perl problem

 by PrRomeo on: Jun 4 2009
Score 50%

Thank you for theme!
But it seems I cant find or add any way QtCurve style in Widget styles.

Can anybody help with it?

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 Re: Dark Perl problem

 by PrRomeo on: Jun 4 2009
Score 50%

Solved. It's OK. But got another - kicker and taskbar all the same blue colour.

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 transparent window background

 by webbhawk on: Jun 10 2009
Score 50%

How do you make the background of your windows transparent? I'm using Kubuntu 9.04 and Compiz. Is this possible for me?

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 Re: transparent window background

 by paramnaesia on: Jun 12 2009
Score 50%

I don't know how to set the window transparency in Compiz as I do not use it, but if you decide to use KWin instead, all you have to do is right-click on the window frame and select an opacity value less than 100.

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 Re: Re: transparent window background

 by webbhawk on: Jun 13 2009
Score 50%

Thank you. I've had a difficult time finding the answer to this online. Thanks again!

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