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KDE Screensaver

Score 83%



Link:  Link
Downloads:  11258
Submitted:  Dec 27 2008
Updated:  Oct 20 2013


An under water screen saver for KDE4
Thanks to John Stamp for your help.

sea creature swimming pattern
camera movement (swimming through seen)

How to Install:
1 install package build-essential cmake kdebase-workspace-dev libqt4-opengl-dev or your distros equivalent
2 download.
3 extract (tar -xzf "the file you downloaded")
4 change to the new directory (KOceanSaver)
5 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr CMakeLists.txt
6 sudo make install

And a big thanks to the guys and gals at mepis-deb.org for making the debian packages for all of us who use a debian distro.

If your distro is not (k)ubuntu then you may or may not need the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr. a simple
1 cmake CMakeLists.txt
2 sudo make install
will work for you.


0.1, 0.2, 0.3
1 Faster skeleton animation function for fish. (this dropped CPU usage by half or more on my computer even with wave added. Matrix is only calculated once for each bone instead of once for each vertex)
2 Added ocean surface with waves. (Please let me know what you think)
3 Moved things around to make it more aesthetic

Please give feedback so I know if I'm going in the right direction

1. Changed time basted movement (much faster now)
2. Adding Setting Dialog.
3. Adding new fish

1 Changed form qmake to cmake.

1 Added rocking motion.

1. Bug fixes and performance improvements.
2. Added Orca.
3. Added new function for attached fish (remora).

1. Bug fixes (fish disapeare after screen suspend)
2 Added fish: Grouper.

Source(KOceanSaver - Version 0.8)
Debian(KOceanSaver 64 - Version 0.7)
Debian(KOceanSaver 32 - Version 0.7)
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 Things I'm adding

 by jboss1995 on: Dec 27 2008
Score 50%

config menu
resolution setting
opengl setting
number of each sea creature
sea creature swimming pattern

camera movement (swimming through seen)

Please let me know if you would like to see anything add or changed.

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 Re: Things I'm adding

 by joti1234 on: Dec 28 2008
Score 50%

Yes pleas do it

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 Re: Things I'm adding

 by nhnFreespirit on: Dec 28 2008
Score 50%

Some more "stuff" on the bottom ( plants, corals, rocks ) that the fish could swim around would be great.

Also, the chest looks very solid and "in your face". I would expect it to look a bit softer being under water. Perhaps just moving it backs a bit would help.

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 Re: Re: Things I'm adding

 by jboss1995 on: Dec 29 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for the idea. You any good with a 3D modeler like blender? If so, would you be willing to help out with that? Not to put you on the spot but anyone is welcome to help. I will add your name to the list of credits. Just let me know. That goes for anyone who would like to help and contributes.

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 Re: Re: Re: Things I'm adding

 by nhnFreespirit on: Jan 4 2009
Score 50%

No, to be honest I don't know the first thing about 3D modeling. Also, I simply don't have much time to spend on other projects as I am quite deeply involved in Amarok 2.

I hope other people will joining you though, and I am sure they will as this projects seems to have so much potential.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Things I'm adding

 by jboss1995 on: Jan 15 2009
Score 50%

Sorry just saw your comment. Thanks for to nice comment. And coming from someone working on the Amarok project is an honor. That is great project. I use it all the time. Keep up the good work.

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 If you have older hardware

 by jboss1995 on: Dec 27 2008
Score 50%

And it runs slow. Edit Ocean.cpp line 34
Ocean::Ocean(QWidget *parent) : QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::SampleBuffers|QGL::AlphaChannel|QGL::DirectRendering), parent)

to look like

Ocean::Ocean(QWidget *parent) : QGLWidget(parent)

Will speed thins up for you.

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 Re: If you have older hardware

 by joti1234 on: Dec 28 2008
Score 50%

Yes its works!
Good work!

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 Re: If you have older hardware

 by janet on: May 29 2012
Score 50%

Is this still valid?

Want Debian Sid with spices? Get aptosid at aptosid.com - it simply works :)
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 Very nice!

 by nhnFreespirit on: Dec 28 2008
Score 50%

Great work. It still has some rough edges, but with some work, this could turn into something really fantastic!

I am already looking forwards to future versions! :-)

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 How about donating cycles?

 by leftycrupps on: Dec 30 2008
Score 50%

I understand that this is only a screensaver, not really an "Ocean Saver" per se, but it would be nice if part of the config for this screensaver could somehow tie into donating spare CPU cycles to (in this case) an ocean-related research group.

Just a thought :)

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 Re: How about donating cycles?

 by jboss1995 on: Dec 31 2008
Score 50%

Yes I did call it "ocean saver" for a reason. I have something similar in mind.

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 by fwjs28 on: Feb 6 2009
Score 50%

How do you install it?!?!?

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 Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!

 by jboss1995 on: Feb 9 2009
Score 50%

Good question. Sorry I did not explain this before.

1 download.
2 extract (tar -xzf "the file you downloaded")
3 change to the new directory (KOceanSaver)
4 run "qmake KOceanSaver.pro"
5 run "sudo make install"

That should do it.

Let me know if it works ok for you. Hope you enjoy it.

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 Can't install :(

 by frapell on: Feb 9 2009
Score 50%

Hey, i'm trying to install under Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex. Followed your instructions but i get:

kocean.h:24:26: error: kscreensaver.h: No such file or directory
In file included from kocean.cpp:22:
kocean.h:31: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
kocean.cpp:29: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token

any help ?

btw, i can help you with the 3D models, i love doing stuff in Blender. I'm no pro, but if you like them you can use them ;)


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 Re: Can't install :(

 by frapell on: Feb 9 2009
Score 50%

Sorry, sudo aptitude install kdebase-workspace-dev solved it.


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 Re: Can't install :(

 by jboss1995 on: Feb 10 2009
Score 50%

Cool that would be grate. There are some pictures of fish in the data directory. Make low polygon models of the ones you like and let me know. Don't make the fins one sided They have to have two sides. My e-mail is down so just let me know when you get something with a comment. I will try to get my e-mail up soon.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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