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Arc-Colors GDM-Walls


GDM Theme

Score 77%
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

Downloads:  200039
Submitted:  Sep 1 2008
Updated:  Aug 3 2009


This is a set of GDM's/Wallpapers made to match my GTK themes "Shiki-Colors" and my icon themes "GNOME-Colors".

There are 7 versions included: (Brave/Blue, Human/Orange, Wine/Red, Noble/Purple, Wise/Green, Dust/Chocolate and Illustrious/Pink)

The GDM themes have a max resolution of 2140x1200 and support all 16:9, 16:10, 5:4 and 4:3 screen ratios or anything in between. Sources for a Dual-display 3840x1200 version are included.

Must read, or clowns will eat you:
* To install GDM's, extract .tar.gz file, drag n' drop desired themes to the login preferences window, or run make install as administrator in the extracted folder. For more options, type make help.

* To use the included wallpapers, save them wherever you like and add them through GNOME's appearance preferences or run the make install command and they will appear there.

* If you replace the logo.png files, you can change the logo of the GDM's to your favorite Linux distribution's branding.

* If you replace the "bg.png" files, you can use any wallpaper you want! (in fact, I recommend it if you don't like the included backgrounds, or want the GDM's to feature your favorite wallpaper).

* In Ubuntu, you can use the official PPA repository for easy installation and upgrades. For Ubuntu Karmic Koala, you can simply run apt-get install arc-colors to install from Ubuntu's universe repositories. The packages are also available in Debian Sid.

* Visit the GNOME-Colors project page for bug reports, feature requests, SVN and more downloads:

* Consider donating a small amount to the GNOME-Colors project if you wish to support it, or to show your appreciation. You can do so by clicking on the "donate" button next to the download section.


2.7 (2009-08-03)
* Update color palettes to match latest shiki/gnome-colors.

2.6 (2009-07-14)
* Add new Pink (Illustrious) color variation.

2.5 (2009-07-04)
* Update shutdown, suspend and logo icons to latest gnome-colors.
* Brand new wallpapers! Darker colors for less eye-strain and support for any
resolution or screen ratio below 2140x1200px.
* Project now moved to SVN, makefiles and updated documentation are included.

(GDM's and Wallpapers (7 MB)
(Shiki-Colors GTK Themes)
(GNOME-Colors Icons)
Ubuntu(Official PPA Repository)
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 Forgot something...

 by LeeHoward on: Apr 9 2010
Score 50%

As per the documentation, which is pretty much non-existent, I did as it says...

And I quote "For Ubuntu Karmic Koala, you can simply run apt-get install arc-colors to install from Ubuntu's universe repositories."

Notice the key word there is "SIMPLY".

It said 1 new thing to install and I think it said it was around 4096kb...

I did that and I have no new application in any of the pull-down menus (Applications or System/Preferences/Administration)

I have Ubuntu Karmic 9.10, and I have all the repositories.

What I dont have is any documentation how to install this.

Is the installation procedures and/or dependencies classified top secret or something?

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 I solved it...

 by LeeHoward on: Apr 10 2010
Score 38%

As per the very limited documentation it says "To install GDM's, extract .tar.gz file, drag n' drop desired themes to the login preferences window, or run make install as administrator in the extracted folder. For more options, type make help."

1. Login Preferences Window DOESN'T EXIST on Ubuntu Karmic! So you either do not know what the name is of this rumored LOGIN PREFERENCES WINDOW is actually called or this Arc-Colors is for some obsolete computer like the Commodore Amiga. How difficult would it be to say that this is made for some obsolete computer like the Amiga.

I have Edited my menu's to make sure every entry in the menu's ARE enabled so they will show up in my menu's.

I do have in the System/Administration something called LOGIN SCREEN and when it comes up its titled LOGIN SCREEN SETTINGS...and all there is in there is SHOW SCREEN FOR WHO WILL LOGIN and an option to select WHICH USER TO LOGIN AUTOMATICALLY.

2. Running "sudo apt-get install arc-colors" in a terminal does install Arc-Colors, but what good is installing something that doesn't show up in ANY pulldown menu's, and is not enabled or activated by default. Apparently THIS STEP has the same outcome as blindfolding yourself and randomly copying a file(s) from one location to who knows where.

I know it is installed, because if I run this command again, it shows me its installed, and tells me there is no packages to install or update.

I know one thing, this is not for Windows computers, because all their software have these things called installer programs which do this thing called installing.

I am not a mechanic, but maybe you could say at the start what computers this if for (if you know, maybe ask someone) or you can say "i made the program now you can make the installer"

If it is for Amiga, do you think you'll ever make a release for Ubuntu Karmic? I can tell my grand-children to keep an eye out for it!

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 Re: I solved it...

 by bdrung on: Apr 11 2010
Score 50%

Yes, Login Preferences Window does not exist on Ubuntu karmic. gdm was changed and made the configuration tool incompatible. Therefore it's gone in karmic and later. The theming of gdm was changed too. Therefore this gdm theme doesn't work in karmic and later. Here is a description how to theme gdm in karmic or later: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7576112&postcount=365

You probably want to install shiki-colors and gnome-colors, because gdm will use the theme selected for the gdm user.

We will remove the arc-colors package from lucid and move the wallpaper into shiki-colors.

And BTW, this theme is for gdm <= 2.20 and therefore for GNOME. It has nothing to do with Amiga.

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 Great Theme

 by LawlMachine on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%

lol Tom Riddle. Awesome theme by the way, I love it.

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