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GNU/Linux gun


KDE Wallpaper 1600x1200

Score 36%
GNU/Linux gun

Downloads:  177
Submitted:  Jun 22 2007


Weapon is a part of any free society. But the person decides how to apply his weapon. Lets use it wisely and responsibly.

LicenseArtistic 2.0
(GNU/Linux gun)
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 by solarfields on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

what is the wise and responsible way to use a gun?

loneliness is a choice

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 Re: ?

 by Arnis on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

Well, I think the most wise way is to keep it in a safe place and use it only in cases which does not leave a choice to protect yourself and your family.

I am using Linux as a main platform to force people (some kind of small businesses and so) switch to Linux. So I can say it is my little weapon against M$ monopoly world.

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 Re: ?

 by uveuve on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

the responsible use for a gun is to destroy it and make it un-usable!

If there were no guns for sure there would be much less violent deaths in the world...

Guns Suck!

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 Re: Re: ?

 by Dacotti on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

Really? If that is the case, then how come every community or nation that has tried to restrict lawful ownership of guns has had an explosion of crime in general and gun violence in particular? In contrast, US states that have established concealed carry laws and increased lawful ownership of guns have see rapid declines in crime and gun violence.

I am all for reducing criminals ability to get guns, but taking them away from law-abiding citizens has been proven to increase crime. Sorry.

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 Re: Re: Re: ?

 by anupamsr on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

I don't think you have any good data to support your claims. There are places where "gun-crime/crime/..." are much MUCH below USA.

Sorry to burst your bubble. As a side note, I own a gun.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: ?

 by Dacotti on: Jun 24 2007
Score 50%

Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but Australia saw a 44% increase in gun crime in just 12 months after banning and destroying over 600,000 privately owned guns. And we are not talking about AK47's or AR15's here either. Just normal hunting rifles and shotguns. If you Google 'Britain, gun crime' you will see a rash of BBC articles (not exactly the NRA are they?) about the dismal failure of Britain's handgun ban, which has ushered in a period of rapidly increasing HANDGUN crime. Over the same period in the US, crime as a whole, gun crime, and handgun crime have all declined year after year. A recent survey of violent criminals in the US found that the number one thing that they fear is an armed victim. They would rather be caught by the police than face a homeowner with a gun. Without exception, they said that they would never knowingly break into a home where they knew the owner was home and armed.

It turns out that there are plenty of good data supporting self-defense with firearms; they are just too inconvenient for people who support gun control to acknowledge, so they bend over backwards to pretend that they do not exist. Ask the citizens of Darfur if they would prefer to be armed or not. Better yet, ask their oppressors how they would vote on a UN resolution to arm them.

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 by Dacotti on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

Beautiful work Arnis! Not to nitpick or anything though, but the gun says 9mm, and the shells look suspiciously like rimmed magnum cases. ;^)

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 What has a gun...

 by loggeman on: Jun 23 2007
Score 50%

... to do with Computers, GNU/Linux, and Free Software!?!?!

Man You're messed up...
GNU/linux and Free Software has nothing to do with guns and violence. What are you trying to do? Start a holy war in the free software community??

Get a grip on your self and rethink what GNU/Linux and free software really means to You. I can ensure You. Guns wont help You spread the Free Software throughout the world. They will only ruin our purpose and reputation towards the worse.

I never stop to amaze about the advanced features in the human bodys's simplicity.
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 by solarfields on: Jun 24 2007
Score 50%

for all of you gun-lovin-guys i recommend this video:


loneliness is a choice
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 nice work...

 by garry on: Jun 25 2007
Score 50%

...just a crap message. Guns are not the sign of a free but of a raw and little civilized society.
No person in the world has ever been killed without a weapon of some sort even if simply by a fist. The more effective the weapon, the more people can get killed with it before the killer is stopped. That's why every society should deny or at least limit access to effective lethal weapons no matter what category these are of. (guns, swords, grenades, landmines, ...)
The Problem about banning guns in countries where they used to be tolerated is that in such circumstances it always have been and always will be the ones that are not criminals that give up their (then illegal) guns, while the criminals would keep them. Since the others have no more guns they are perfect victims to whatever kind of crime a criminal can come up with.
That's why banning guns in such countries is not an effective solution at first. It may become one after many years (after the police has found most of the banned guns). To me that's no solution for such countries.
Perhaps a gradually (over a period of a number of decades) increasing limitation could help.

Da Tux rox!!!
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