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slicker kdesu-usage


KDE4 Brainstorm

Score 41%
Downloads:  129
Submitted:  Feb 14 2006


you know the times when you run an application (or open a kcmmodule with) with kdesu and you really hate the way it looks bacause it uses the root users kde settings?

my suggestion: make kdesu transfer the executing user\'s kde-settings, i.e. style colors et cetera (basically the ~/.kde directory) to the target application.

i dont really have to license ideas, do i?

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 by tomte on: Feb 14 2006
Score 50%

I think it has to be ugly, just to remind you, that this application is running in root-context, I allways thought of this "su-appearance switch" more as of a feature than a bug...

Maybe it's possible to mark windows running as root viw kwin-decoration-tweaks, and otherwise use the current "real"-users settings - I think I'd prefere that a lot to just using the current settings

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 Re: hmmm

 by nuka on: Feb 17 2006
Score 50%

agreed, i made my root have huge fonts and ugly red colors so i would know what apps were running as root.

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 Re: hmmm

 by soulrebel on: Feb 17 2006
Score 50%

there are different ways of acomplishing this, you could for example have kwin add "running as user: root" in red letters to the title of the window or something like that...

# cd /usa/whitehouse
# rm -rf *

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 sudo is the best way

 by ibc on: Feb 14 2006
Score 50%

In Kubuntu this problem doesn't occur because Kubuntu uses "sudo" for the normal user, so the "kdesu" is modified to use "sudo" instead of "su". Because of it, the appearance is always the same.

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 Re: sudo is the best way

 by soulrebel on: Feb 17 2006
Score 50%

strange enough the kubuntu machine i have here does use root's settings...

# cd /usa/whitehouse
# rm -rf *

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 no problem here

 by dio on: Feb 16 2006
Score 50%

I customized the root user's appearance by running kcontrol "as user: root". I do now have a slighly different color scheme and mouse cursor settings, but the same style, icons etc. Looks pretty nice, and I'm always aware of where I am.

I think it's important or at least convenient to be reminded that one is working as root in the administrator views. But the look needn't be ugly at all.

I vote against taking over the user's settings, as you would definitely lose flexibility.

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 Re: no problem here

 by soulrebel on: Feb 17 2006
Score 50%

i am not proposing to force this setting on the user, one could have the user choose in the kontrolcenter.
altogether there could be quite some options for kdesu in kcontrol,
i would like to see the kubuntu patches for sudo-use integrated in the regular kde releases and giving the user the option to choose whether he wants to use su or sudo in kdesu...

# cd /usa/whitehouse
# rm -rf *

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