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KDE System Tool

Score 93%



Link:  http://yakuake.kde.org/
Downloads:  96661
Submitted:  Sep 16 2005
Updated:  Mar 3 2016


Yakuake is a drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology.

--- What's new ---

Yakuake v3.0.2 is a minor bugfix release that adds back a description file implementing the freedesktop.org AppData specification.

Yakuake v3.0.1 is a minor bugfix release addressing installation and integration of the hicolor application icon.

This is the first stable version of Yakuake based on KDE Frameworks 5. It bundles a new default skin implementing KDE's Breeze visual identity and includes an assortment of bug fixes.

--- Essential links ---

Yakuake's website: http://yakuake.kde.org/
Report bugs and wishes at: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=yakuake
Older releases: http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7376


Changes in 3.0.2:
* Added back a description file implementing the freedesktop.org AppData specification.

Changes in 3.0.1:
* Fixed installation and integratin of hicolor application icon.

Changes in 3.0:
* Yakuake was ported to KDE Frameworks 5 and Qt 5.
* A new default skin follows the Plasma 5 Breeze design.
* Terminal focus is now preserved more reliably when closing and reopening Yakuake.
* Config changes made via the title bar menu are now synced to disk immediately, and thus preserved if Yakuake is killed instead of quit gracefully.
* The option to auto-update tab titles with the title bar contents no longer interferes with manually setting a tab title. To return to auto-updating just clear the title.
* Performance improvements in the compositor-unassisted animation code path.
* Fixed bug causing incorrect window height calculation in multi-monitor systems.

Changes in older releases: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/utils/yakuake/repository/revisions/master/entry/ChangeLog

Source(Yakuake 3.0.2 (Qt5/KF5; Stable))
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 Re: hidden start

 by Decibels on: Oct 30 2009
Score 50%

Someone else and I are having this issue also with yakuake and kde4.3.

My Open After Start box isn't checked and I have even added to yakuakerc the option OpenAfterStart=false. Still does it everytime I start up kde.

There isn't any other actions or unfinished jobs that should make it happen. Just opens after start with the normal cursor. Annoying.

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 Re: Re: hidden start

 by Sho on: Oct 30 2009
Score 50%

Yakuake opens its window when it is run again while it is already running. Most
likely you see the window opening because Yakuake is started twice after login
on your system: Once by KDE's Session Manager, which restarts all apps that
were running at logout by default (see System Settings -> Advanced -> Session
Manager), and once by your Autostart entry.

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 Re: Re: Re: hidden start

 by Decibels on: Oct 30 2009
Score 50%

You are my favorite person of the month! I have had a script in Autostart for so long didn't know didn't need it any longer. Removed it and liquid weather from Autostart and worked like a charm and both still started fine.
Thank you, Thank you!

This is one of my most used Apps. Love Yakuake!

Another thing Gentoo Users might want working again in KDE4.3 is showing your emerges in the Tab. Not coming on by default, so in Edit Profile: Tabs tab, set the 'Tab title format:' to 'Window Title Set By Shell'. Then it will display your emerges like before.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: hidden start

 by Sho on: Oct 30 2009
Score 50%

Happy to help :).

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 Reporting a bug

 by diego77 on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

Hi, Yakuake is really useful for me.

I'd like to report a bug:
I'm able to create a profile, and the profile is correctly persisted after quiting yakuake and then restarting.
But when I choose some profile as "Default" and quit yakuake (with the "x" button on the bottom-right part of the window), after restarting, the profile is always the yakuake's default.
It also happens that if I choose in the "Manage Profiles" window that certain profiles be showed in the "Profile Menu" (context-menu: Change Profile), when I restart yakuake, it doesn't remember my choices.
I guess is all the same bug.

Best Regards and thans a lot for this great piece of software!

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 Re: Reporting a bug

 by diego77 on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

Sorry, I've forgotten to give more info:
I'm using Kubuntu 9.10, with:
yakuake --version
Qt: 4.5.2
KDE: 4.3.2 (KDE 4.3.2)
Yakuake: 2.9.6

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 Re: Re: Reporting a bug

 by Sho on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

Please note that the entire profile management, including all related dialogs, is actually done by Konsole's KPart component, which Yakuake only embeds. It would be best to file a bug report against Konsole (and just as with Yakuake, that's best done on http://bugs.kde.org/).

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 Re: Re: Re: Reporting a bug

 by diego77 on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for clarifying that!
I'll be reporting the bug on http://bugs.kde.org/

Best Regards,

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Reporting a bug

 by diego77 on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

I've manged to solve one of the problems:
editing ~/.kde/share/config/konsolerc I changed the DefaultProfile.

I post this solution here because I hope that it may be helpful for somebody.

Best Regards,

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Reporting a bug

 by CaptMiddy on: Feb 19 2010
Score 50%

Actually there is a file yakuakerc, and if you change the default profile there it works. I think this may be an issue with Yakuake rather than the konsole part as the konsolerc should only impact konsole. Yakuake is not saving the new default profile as requested.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Reporting a bug

 by Sho on: Feb 19 2010
Score 50%

Yakuake has nothing to do with profile management. The terminal area, its context menu as well as the dialogs to manage profiles and edit a profile are all provided by the Konsole KPart component, and it's the KPart's job to put whatever it needs into yakuakerc.


 Feature Request

 by panzi on: Nov 14 2009
Score 50%

First I have to say I love Yakuake. I use it permanently.

Not the feature request:
I'd like to have a shortcut that opens a new session in the same $PWD as the current one. I think this would be a great help sometimes.

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 Feature Request

 by panzi on: Nov 14 2009
Score 50%

First I have to say I love Yakuake. I use it permanently.

Now the feature request:
I'd like to have a shortcut that opens a new session in the same $PWD as the current one. I think this would be a great help sometimes.

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 Re: Feature Request

 by panzi on: Nov 14 2009
Score 50%

Gah. Double post. Sorry.

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 Re: Re: Feature Request

 by Sho on: Nov 14 2009
Score 50%

See here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=214547

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 Takes a long time to open

 by joe81 on: Jan 18 2010
Score 50%

first of all thanks a lot for this great app, I'm using it since at least 4 years! :-)
I have recently switched to KDE4 and I'm facing an annoying problem.
Even if the speed is set to ~0ms and all transparencies are disabled (even from the tab bar) it really takes a lot of time to react to the pressing of F12 and open the window.
Usually the delay is in the order of 3-4 seconds.
Do you have any suggestion for identifying what could be the problem?
Thanks in advance!

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 Re: Takes a long time to open

 by Sho on: Jan 18 2010
Score 50%

It's most likely the graphics driver, e.g. most versions of the proprietary nVidia graphics driver have massive performance problems with drawing bitmap fonts.

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 Re: Re: Takes a long time to open

 by joe81 on: Jan 19 2010
Score 50%

Thanks, it got a bit better with an older version of the nVidia drivers and with all desktop effects disabled

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 by filipvh on: Jan 20 2010
Score 50%

Thanks for this fabulous app. The drop-down terminal idea isn't new. But you bring it to the KDE4 desktop in a beautiful way!

It's stable, fast en looks great!
Keep up the good work for your "I-couldn't-do-without-anymore" killerapp!


*or the key you assigned, I left it as F12, good choice, for me anyway.

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