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Crystal Clear


KDE Icon Theme

Score 80%
Yellow Icon
Crystal Clear

Link:  http://www.everaldo.com
Downloads:  254799
Submitted:  Jun 22 2005
Updated:  Jun 16 2007


Dear KDE Folks,

I have the pleasure to announce the new phase of Crystal Icon Theme that from now on will be called Crystal Clear. There are a lot of changes! Hundreds of new icons, support to the most known KDE games, and a lot of new things. The design style also was improved and updated to be more competitive with the market operational systems as well as the upcoming systems. I hope you like it!

As always I would like to thank some important people:

1- All the KDE users that always have supported my work and make my working nights really worth.
2- Linspire for the financial support of this project (you may not believe, but I have to eat so I keep living).
3- Nullmid, RELIO owner that kindly host online my projects.
4- God, for have gave me life and make all things possible.



This version was discontinued, To get Updates please find by Crystal Project.

(Icon Set for KDE)
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 Kicker icons

 by cseaton on: Jan 31 2006
Score 50%

I love the crystal clear theme, but one thing that annoys me is that the icons don't look right on a small sized kicker. The theme automatically uses the 16x16 icons instead of the 22x22 which would look much better (especially since the system tray uses larger icons still). Is this a bug in the theme, or is there a way to force it to use the larger icons when using a small kicker?

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 Re: Kicker icons

 by jeremeybyers on: May 23 2006
Score 50%

Hi, I had the same annoyance, but a simple solution was to go to Control Center-->Desktop-->Panels, and then increase the size of your panel to 38 Pixels (you must first choose "Custom" in the drop down menu for size)


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 How to install

 by dipankarbd on: Feb 15 2006
Score 50%

I use linux Fedora core-4.

How can i install "Clear Style
Decoration" in my linux.

please help me..

Dipankar Biswas
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 Re: How to install

 by hellblade on: May 19 2006
Score 50%

In order to install it you must compile it. You do this with the following commands (after unpacking it somewhere and cd'ing there):
make -f Makefile.cvs
make install
Note: the 'make install' step requires root privileges.

Proud to be a KDE user!
"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom."
- Albert Einstein

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 Re: Re: How to insta

 by yll on: May 25 2006
Score 50%

in order to install you must got automake 1.6... it doesn't exit for kubuntu dapper drake.

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 i'm sorry but...

 by bushwakko on: Feb 28 2006
Score 50%

...there is no god! :P

the theme was nice though.

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 Re: i'm sorry but...

 by SouthernCross79 on: Apr 24 2006
Score 50%
SouthernCross79SouthernCros s79

That's nice. Some people say there's no gravity either.

~Those who unceasingly preach tolerance are themselves the most intolerant.~
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 by bushwakko on: Mar 1 2006
Score 50%

I think it's weird that the windeco hasn't gotten it's own entry here at kde-look.org! Also, I had a hard time finding and downloading the windeco, and when I did, it didn't look ANYTHING like the screenshot :/


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 mozilla theme

 by yll on: May 22 2006
Score 50%

is it running on firefox ?

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 by tuma on: Jun 23 2006
Score 50%

I'm confused - what license are these icons distributed under?

This posting claims that they are distributed under the LGPL.

But when I visit everaldo.com to download the exact same collection of icons, and view the legal page there, it claims that all of the icons are protected; that only one copy can be downloaded; that they cannot be modified or redistributed.

No license information is included inside the tar.gz file, so I'm not certain which license statement to trust.


- David
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 Re: License?

 by InFeRnODeMoN on: Jul 18 2006
Score 50%

Yeah, what license?
I hope that the "copyright" clause applies only to the site design.
Until Everaldo answers, we are stuck in the nowhere.

But why KDE still uses Crystal SVG? Could it be the license? (since they couldn't remove the Linspire branding, which AFAIK still is there)

The Dark Star. Possibly all what you need in your lifetime.
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 Re: Re: License?

 by tuma on: Jul 23 2006
Score 50%

After some more web research, I think I know the answer to this question.

The icons are LGPL. Here is everaldo's statement on the matter: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-artists&m=111947174930644&w=2

However, the KDE artists group apparently made a decision in the past that they only want to use icons in vector format. To an artist, the vector format is the "source code" that allows them to modify the icon, and they don't want to use icons in KDE unless they can redistribute these vector files for people to modify in the future.

If you read through the entire thread, you'll see that there was a lot of controversy over that decision even within the KDE artist community. Some people felt that PNG files were an acceptable choice. Others felt that PNG wasn't the "preferred format" for editing an icon, which conflicted with the LGPL requirements. Ultimately, they decided to stick with vector format icons.

I'm a non-artist, looking for icons to make my open source program look nicer. I wouldn't know how to work with vectors anyway, so for me, PNG is the preferred format for editing the icons. That being true, there should be no legal reason why the PNG files can't be modified and redistributed via LGPL. The KDE artists have a different "preferred format" for editing the file, but that't their preference, not mine.

So the bottom line is that everaldo is giving these icons away as LGPL. People are free to modify and redistribute them in PNG format under the LGPL license.

Thank you, everaldo, for all the work you've done. As an open source developer, I've also gotten critisized a few times by third parties who want me to use a different license. But don't let that get to you. The work you've done is not only beneficial to KDE, but is also a huge factor in helping encourage the broader adoption of Linux and open source technologies. We couldn't get there without you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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