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Crystal Clear


KDE Icon Theme

Score 80%
Yellow Icon
Crystal Clear

Link:  http://www.everaldo.com
Downloads:  254799
Submitted:  Jun 22 2005
Updated:  Jun 16 2007


Dear KDE Folks,

I have the pleasure to announce the new phase of Crystal Icon Theme that from now on will be called Crystal Clear. There are a lot of changes! Hundreds of new icons, support to the most known KDE games, and a lot of new things. The design style also was improved and updated to be more competitive with the market operational systems as well as the upcoming systems. I hope you like it!

As always I would like to thank some important people:

1- All the KDE users that always have supported my work and make my working nights really worth.
2- Linspire for the financial support of this project (you may not believe, but I have to eat so I keep living).
3- Nullmid, RELIO owner that kindly host online my projects.
4- God, for have gave me life and make all things possible.



This version was discontinued, To get Updates please find by Crystal Project.

(Icon Set for KDE)
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 mozilla theme

 by iuliux on: Jul 29 2005
Score 50%

how do I install the mozilla theme?

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 Re: mozilla theme

 by Typhon on: Aug 5 2005
Score 50%

Yes, I'd like to know this as well! Can someone please provide some step-by-step instructions.

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 Re: Re: mozilla them

 by anarchy on: Aug 5 2005
Score 50%

Yeah...we need some help for the Mozilla theme!

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 where where where

 by Superstoned on: Jul 31 2005
Score 50%

now where is the damn style... who knows where to download the stijle from the screenshot????? all the downloads i can find point to the 'old' style, not the one in the screenshot!

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 Re: where where where

 by Mikos on: Aug 9 2005
Score 50%

It is Lispire Clear style (from Linspire Five-0), you can download it here on Kde-Look.org. Search for "Linspire".

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 Re: Re: where where where

 by Superstoned on: Aug 9 2005
Score 50%

as i said, the link(s) point to another version of that style, NOT to the one in the screenshot. and i like the screenshot style more than the current default linspire style (which you can download on this website, yes)

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 Re: Re: Re: where wh

 by elmo on: Aug 11 2005
Score 50%

As far as i know this style is only a mockup and does not exist apart from in the "screenshot"

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 please put license..

 by venthur on: Aug 26 2005
Score 50%

hi everaldo,

could you please put a copy of the LGPL into the tarball in order to get this iconset into the debian-archive?

kind regards


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 Mozilla theme

 by buldir on: Aug 29 2005
Score 50%

You can install the Mozilla theme by downloading the .zip file from:


Unpack the .zip, and open the html page in your browser. Browse to the .jar theme file and click install.

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 Mozilla theme

 by buldir on: Aug 29 2005
Score 50%

You can install the Mozilla theme by downloading the .zip file from:


Unpack the .zip, and open the html page in your browser. Browse to the .jar theme file and click install.

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 Re: Firefox theme

 by tekwyzrd on: Sep 9 2005
Score 50%

I like the icons but it would be nice if the theme would allow the use of the KDE color scheme like the default firefox theme does.

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