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Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +

Score 74%



Link:  Link
Downloads:  158309
Submitted:  Nov 26 2004
Updated:  Oct 2 2007


Lipstik is a fast and clean style for KDE3 with many options to tune your desktop look.

Just try it! :)

INSTALLATION : Please read the INSTALL file.

CONFIGURATION : You can find many options in the style's configuration panel. Go to Settings/Appearance & Themes/Style and click on the 'configure' button.

BUGS : Read the BUGS file; if the issue is not reported, post a comment below, I'll try to read them often.

DEBUG TRACE : If you have a debug trace, dont post it here; send it to me via email.

Lipstik now has a home page, go check it out!

Have fun!


2.2.3 : For my PC-BSD friends...
--Add a configurable active tab highlight color.
--PC-BSD rocks! Try it!

2.2.2 : After one year...
--Just a repackaging of the special Debian version.
--Updated the spec file for Fedora Core 6, thanks to Pramod Venugopal.
--Lipstik now has a home page (http://poplix.homelinux.com/lipstik).

...I have a new version (2.3) locally but it will need some more testing before I release it; Lipstik is still not dead after all ;)

For older changelogs, see the Changelog file in the archive.

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 menu stripe

 by oshogg on: Dec 1 2004
Score 50%


First of all, awesome merge of all the new features!! It is definitely THE plastik-derivative right now.

Just one comment about the menu stripe for icons (dotnet-style). Is it possible to use a color other than highlight for the background of the strip?


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 by lokheed on: Dec 1 2004
Score 50%
Titan Creations

I have one major complaint: I can only vote once for this entry on kde-look...what the hell?

All joking aside, this is simply phenominal. THANK YOU so much for adding the option to get rid of the highlight on the taskbar buttons...oh man. This is THE theme for me now...unmerge everything else...gone...none need.

You are a marvellous beast! The updates, the work...you dont know how long I have been waiting to be able to scough at my bro and his beautiful gnome themes...now I can blow them all way.

I do have a minor suggestion. The menu items arrows. I think it might look nicer if the arrow also took on the text highlight colour as well, for now, they always remain their initial black.

Everything else is amazing. I also LOVE the scrollbar options you have put in, never got used to the KDE scrollbar type :)

Yeah? Well...you're hogging up all the ugly!
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 Re: OK

 by PaT on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

If you mean highlighting the arrows when the mouse is over them, I will try to do it.

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 gimp & qt?

 by systemx on: Dec 1 2004
Score 50%

that screenshot of Gimp, is that actually using the QT toolkit? If so, how?

CRUX 2.0 :: Linux 2.6.9
Ximian Gnome 2.6 :: KDE 3.3.1

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 Re: gimp & qt?

 by vurcieyem on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

you can use gtk-qt engine. just search on this site and you'll find it.

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 Re: Re: gimp & qt?

 by systemx on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

For a second, I thought I missed something in Gimp Development...

Thanx for the info, but I am not very fond of gtk-qt. :)

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 Re: Re: Re: gimp & qt?

 by PaT on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

Yeah, it was slow and buggy in the beginning, but now its quite good. For a better gtk-qt, get the cvs version and apply the little patch in "KDE UI Tweaking" on this site.

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 some problems

 by lokheed on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%
Titan Creations

I noticed some redraw problems that I dont know if they were present in earlier version (I dont think they were). If you select an icon and drag it around the window, it leaves artifacts...little dots. I couldnt use the original plastik theme because of this reason.

I am running KDE.3.3.1 and Qt 3.3.3. ATI 9200SE with built in drivers from Xorg 6.8.1.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Select an icon from a window or desktop.

2. Drag the icon around the screen.

Results in little dots and artifacts and can sometimes distort other icons.

Can be solved with a simple refresh.

Yeah? Well...you're hogging up all the ugly!
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 Re: some problems

 by PaT on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

I dont know, but it might be the ati drivers causing the glitch... I cant reproduce it with an nvidia.

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 Re: Re: some problem

 by lokheed on: Dec 3 2004
Score 50%
Titan Creations

That really sucks. Plastik is the only theme I have come across that does this, all others do not suffer from this bug...

Yeah? Well...you're hogging up all the ugly!
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 small glitch

 by shadowrm on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

i was noticing that you have the same bug that the comix style had when disabling the focus rectangles... i don't suppose you could fix this in your next release? ( to reproduce the bug attempt to select a few files in konqueror or on your desktop and no selection rectangle will appear )

excellent work btw -- keep it up!

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 Re: small glitch

 by PaT on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

oops... I was not aware of this cause I use the "Improving KDE" patches with the translucent rubber band... I will look for a way to fix it, but right now it seems this option will have to go away... (I now understand why it was there but disabled in the original plastik code...)

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 Re: Re: small glitch

 by shadowrm on: Dec 2 2004
Score 50%

like i before though, the comix style _had_ it ;-) maybe you could find out how they fixed it in that style? good luck!

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 A suggestion

 by blaster999 on: Dec 3 2004
Score 50%

The 0.91 release is great, as always. However, there is one little problem: there are so many options in the configuration dialog that it barely fits to the screen (I have to hide the panel to be able to use OK, Cancel and Apply buttons). I use 1152x864 resolution. Pehaps some options could be split into several tabs (like in ActiveHeart config dialog).

P.S. I can't wait to see the 1.0 release. Keep up the great work!

It is not the size of the hammer that counts. It's how you wield it.
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 Re: A suggestion

 by vanyar on: Dec 3 2004
Score 50%

I support this. Such a big window makes impossible to configure the theme on "small" resolutions. Splitting it would make it more usable.

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 Re: A suggestion

 by PaT on: Dec 3 2004
Score 50%

Yeah, I know. When I figure out how to group options in groupbox, I will make it larger and less high.

Hint: Instead of hiding kicker, press ALT and then the left mouse button on the config window. Youll be able to move it freely. :)

Thanks for the comments!

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