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Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +

Score 74%



Link:  Link
Downloads:  158309
Submitted:  Nov 26 2004
Updated:  Oct 2 2007


Lipstik is a fast and clean style for KDE3 with many options to tune your desktop look.

Just try it! :)

INSTALLATION : Please read the INSTALL file.

CONFIGURATION : You can find many options in the style's configuration panel. Go to Settings/Appearance & Themes/Style and click on the 'configure' button.

BUGS : Read the BUGS file; if the issue is not reported, post a comment below, I'll try to read them often.

DEBUG TRACE : If you have a debug trace, dont post it here; send it to me via email.

Lipstik now has a home page, go check it out!

Have fun!


2.2.3 : For my PC-BSD friends...
--Add a configurable active tab highlight color.
--PC-BSD rocks! Try it!

2.2.2 : After one year...
--Just a repackaging of the special Debian version.
--Updated the spec file for Fedora Core 6, thanks to Pramod Venugopal.
--Lipstik now has a home page (http://poplix.homelinux.com/lipstik).

...I have a new version (2.3) locally but it will need some more testing before I release it; Lipstik is still not dead after all ;)

For older changelogs, see the Changelog file in the archive.

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 by holehan on: Dec 8 2005
Score 50%

I always wondered with Plastik - and now with lipstik - why there is so much unused space between menu bar entries. Have a look at the screenshot at
http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~soma/bldr/lipstik_menu.png to get an idea about what I am talking:

If you move the mouse in the menu bar slowly from "Bookmarks" to Tools you will notice that there is a ~10 pixel wide area in which none of the two entries get selected.
So what do you think about using these wasted pixels and enlarging the selectable menu targets? The result would be a wider click target for the mouse and less mouse movement if you move from one main menu entry to the next.

P.S.: Really nice work :-) I appreciate lipstik's flexibility a lot. It makes it very easy to switch between different GUI approaches like the cross vs. tick in checkboxes or the plus/minus vs the arrow tree expander - without switching styles.

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 Re: Suggestion

 by PaT on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

Nice idea... I will check out if its possible...

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 Re: Suggestion

 by soulrebel on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

just use a higher resolution and you wont ahve to worry ;)

# cd /usa/whitehouse
# rm -rf *

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 by morteoh on: Dec 8 2005
Score 50%

Its really starting to be one of the best themes for KDE (if not already).

If only you had square corners on your menus now;) (when you hover them).

Great work! its my default theme now ;) (and the spacing made it much better;))


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 Re: Great!

 by sektion31 on: Dec 10 2005
Score 50%

Yes, yes yes. like in plastik but with the coloring of lipstik! That would be great!

Very smooth looking style, btw. I like it very much.

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 Menu spacing

 by dsec on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

"A nice suggestion from morteoh: add more breathing room between menu items (vertical space). Menus now look a lot less crammed and cluttered."

... except for those of us stuck on 1024x768. It takes up *way* too much screen real estate for someone stuck on low resolutions, which I suspect aren't in the minority. My Konqueror "Location" menu alone is taking up more than half my screen in height due to this change.

The scroll bar width option introduced in the last version was great and shaved off a few pixels for those who either like things minimalistic or use low monitor resolutions. Could you at least add an option to put the menu's vertical spacing back the way it was?

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 Re: Menu spacing

 by PaT on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

You are right! Stay tuned.

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 Re: Re: Menu spacing

 by csanchisb on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

I don't know if I'm pointing at the same thing, but there's also a lot of unsused space between context menu items. The are really big. It wasn't like that in 1.99

Carlos Sanchis
Valencia (Spain)

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 Re: Re: Re: Menu spacing

 by csanchisb on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

I just read in the changelog that what I'm saying is actually intentiaonal. How can I disable it? Until I know I'm downgrading to 1.99

Carlos Sanchis
Valencia (Spain)

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 by maitre on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

Inside pixelmetric's switch against all the other PMs, add a:

case PM_MenuBarItemSpacing:
return 8;

seems a good size?

"The bazaar software model doesn't work so well with everyone taking and not contributing back." - Fyodor
Den 4 F/OSS Developer

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 weird problem

 by sparxxxie on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

I've had this problem with all versions of lipstik. 1.6, 1.99, and 2.0.

I've tried compiling and installing lipstik, with no make errors or anything. Everything seems to compile fine. I've also tried installing SuSE 10 RPM packages I've found. Not matter what I do, Lipstik will not show up as a choice in the KDE control center module. I've got all the correct packages installed. If anyone could help me identify the problem that would be great. Thanks.

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 Re: weird problem

 by csanchisb on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

Did you compile with --prefix=/opt/kde3 (which is where SuSE puts KDE)?

Carlos Sanchis
Valencia (Spain)

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 Re: Re: weird proble

 by sparxxxie on: Dec 9 2005
Score 50%

no, because wouldn't ./configure fail if that was the case? the sources configure fine, make does fine, and make install is also fine. the RPM packages i tried install fine, also. it's just not showing up in the KDE control center module.

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 by illissius- on: Dec 10 2005
Score 50%

the world seems to be determined to prevent this patch from reaching you; but I am relentless. You didn't seem to get or notice my email, and now it hides my comment away at 'dec 07' where no one will ever see it. So I will post it again.

This makes vertical scrollbars respect the plastik gradients settings:

--- style/lipstik.cpp 2005-12-08 14:25:10.000000000 +0100
+++ style/lipstik.cpp 2005-12-08 19:56:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -1764,7 +1764,8 @@
renderContour(p, r, cg.background(), getColor(cg, DragButtonContour, s),

- uint surfaceFlags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Is_Horizontal;
+ uint surfaceFlags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom;
+ if(horiz) surfaceFlags |= Is_Horizontal;

if(hoverWidget == p->device())

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 Re: okay...

 by PaT on: Dec 10 2005
Score 50%

That behaviour is wanted... I want to match Qt4's plastique style with regards to scrollbars (which they supposedly took from lipstik in the beginning... so...)

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 Re: Re: okay...

 by illissius- on: Dec 10 2005
Score 50%

I don't understand. It's desired for horizontal scrollbars to have plastik gradients, and vertical ones lipstik gradients? Hardly seems logical...
(I don't understand the rationale either, as Qt4's plastique doesn't have an option for which type of gradients to use, afaik...)

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