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Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +

Score 74%



Link:  Link
Downloads:  158309
Submitted:  Nov 26 2004
Updated:  Oct 2 2007


Lipstik is a fast and clean style for KDE3 with many options to tune your desktop look.

Just try it! :)

INSTALLATION : Please read the INSTALL file.

CONFIGURATION : You can find many options in the style's configuration panel. Go to Settings/Appearance & Themes/Style and click on the 'configure' button.

BUGS : Read the BUGS file; if the issue is not reported, post a comment below, I'll try to read them often.

DEBUG TRACE : If you have a debug trace, dont post it here; send it to me via email.

Lipstik now has a home page, go check it out!

Have fun!


2.2.3 : For my PC-BSD friends...
--Add a configurable active tab highlight color.
--PC-BSD rocks! Try it!

2.2.2 : After one year...
--Just a repackaging of the special Debian version.
--Updated the spec file for Fedora Core 6, thanks to Pramod Venugopal.
--Lipstik now has a home page (http://poplix.homelinux.com/lipstik).

...I have a new version (2.3) locally but it will need some more testing before I release it; Lipstik is still not dead after all ;)

For older changelogs, see the Changelog file in the archive.

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 progress bar

 by DryCellBattery on: Jul 24 2005
Score 50%

Great theme :)
Ever thought of making the progress bars diagonal?

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 Lipstik 2?

 by nuka on: Aug 1 2005
Score 50%

So what do you plan to do for lipstik 2?

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 Re: Lipstik 2?

 by PaT on: Aug 1 2005
Score 50%

This will mostly be a big rewrite and the first Lipstik to support Qt3 AND Qt4.

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 by esycat on: Aug 4 2005
Score 50%
Persic Entertainmen t

I've been using Lipstik for a long time. Thanks for you work on this great style.

But, if it's possible, I would like to request some improvements such as V-style arrows, label highlighting and default/current button indicator like in QtCurve theme, please?

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 Re: RFE

 by PaT on: Aug 4 2005
Score 50%

All good suggestions! Thanks!

But can you explain a little bit what you mean by label highlighting?

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 Re: Re: RFE

 by esycat on: Aug 5 2005
Score 50%
Persic Entertainmen t

An option turning on backgorund highlighting of check box and radio button labels on mouse over.

Screenshot of QtCurve configure window:

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 Re: Lipstik 2?

 by PaT on: Aug 1 2005
Score 50%

And by the way... the Qt4 port is purely vapourware now... But I promise it will be out before Longhorn. :)

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 by EliasP on: Aug 1 2005
Score 50%

Lipstik looks really great!
But how did you make konqueror to look like on the first screenshot. Which iconset contains this navigation-buttons? Which options did you use, to set the view buttons?
Would be nice to have a little "make-your-desktop-look-as-good-as-this-one" HowTo.


Elias P.

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 Re: Wow!

 by PaT on: Aug 1 2005
Score 50%

The navigate icons are coming from Crystal Clear. I use a custom mix of many icon themes. Mainly Nuvola, Crystal (KDE, SVG 1.0, and Clear), Glaze, NuvoeXT...
Now the 'trick' for the view buttons is that the toolbar containing the navigation icons is the "location" toolbar. The "main" toolbar is used to display some basic icons (show panel, new tab) and the rest comes from the 'merge' of the various kparts (kfm, khtml, kate, etc.).
For the rest, like the 'LIX' kmenu button, you could maybe try kbfx. I sadly never had the chance to try it, but from what i can understand, it easily allows you to use a custom kmenu button.
The color-scheme is Lipstik White.
The windec is plastik. (an old version... I still use an old KDE 3.4 beta from february's CVS... never crashed once... :)

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 Debian package

 by peppelorum on: Aug 1 2005
Score 50%

Just quickpackaged a package for Debian testing/unstable, KDE 3.4.1.


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 by blaster999 on: Aug 3 2005
Score 50%

Old ebuild still works - rename it to lipstik-1.3.ebuild, run "ebuild lipstik-1.3.ebuild digest", and you are ready to go!

It is not the size of the hammer that counts. It's how you wield it.
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 Re: gentoo

 by esycat on: Aug 4 2005
Score 50%
Persic Entertainmen t

Lipstik is now commited to portage:

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 Re: Re: gentoo

 by blaster999 on: Aug 4 2005
Score 50%

That's great! Now I don't need to put it into overlay anymore

It is not the size of the hammer that counts. It's how you wield it.
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 Problem colors

 by dherik on: Aug 6 2005
Score 50%

Creating a new color scheme... I discovered that in the menus "File", "Edit", etc, exists a problem when the colors for the "selected text" in color scheme are weakker... see the problem here: http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/5126/lipstikproblem7wo.png

It sees that almost he is not possivel to read "Configurações", for the white color of the text.

In version 1.0, that it used previously, it did not have this problem (for the biggest proximity with the Plastik, probably).

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