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Weather Widget


Plasma 5 Plasmoid

Score 83%
Weather Widget

Weather Widget

Weather Widget

Link:  Link
Downloads:  6957
Submitted:  Apr 4 2015
Updated:  Mar 27 2016


Plasmoid for showing weather information from yr.no and Open Weather Map servers.

- shows basic info (with font-like icons) in panel
- shows meteogram + long term forecast in expanded plasmoid
- shows more info and near future forecast in tooltip
- offline cache
- support for multiple places
- system tray support

Future plans:
- support for other providers (accu, yahoo)
- place picker

- qt5-xmllistmodel, qt5-graphicaleffects
- e.g. packages for kubuntu users: qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel, libqt5qml-graphicaleffects

- EDIT: Preferred way: your distribution's package manager or build it yourself (https://github.com/kotelnik/plasma-applet-weather-widget#requirements)

- Add Widgets... -> Get new widgets -> Download new plasma widgets
- find this applet and install through the first item with .plasmoid extension
- NOTE: this version does not support offline data cache


- loading OWM more reliable
- visible plasmoid version in settings
- localization support (requires installing through "make install" or your distribution's package manager)

- icons in rendered meteogram
- owm request cache fixed

- next days legend fixed
- stability fixes
- rendered meteogram has red/blue temp. colour
- UTC/local-time fixes and option; mmHg option
- tooltip improved

- WARNING: your current locations won't be preserved when updating to this version, I am very sorry for that
- Open Weather Map support
- american settings (mph, inHg)
- proper offline cache implementation (requires C++ extension, therefore offline cache is no longer supported when installing through Add Widgets button)
- rendered meteogram for OWM and optionally for yr.no (it allows to be used by e.g. fahrenheit users)
- bugfixes

- next-days temperatures load fixed
- theming fixes

- theming & layout & other issues fixed (thanks a lot to nowrep from github)
- in-tray & classic tooltip improved
- today info added to expanded part
- finally 3 layout options added
- cache data goes to ~/.cache/ folder instead of in-plasmoid configuration

- added option to pause updating

- sunrise & sunset time in tooltip
- 'ago' message improved for bigger time intervals

- system tray support
- bugfixes (change place fix; properly handling day/night icons based on sunrise/sunset; credit link fix; resizing on desktop fix)
- more bugfixes: day/night icons fixed, M/s -> m/s (thanks ochurlaud)

- fixed compatibility with KF 5.12

- bug fix: refreshing current place when places changed
- tooltip fixed for KF 5.11
- new widget icon by varlesh

- using avansert_meteogram instead of meteogram (thx to steelsnake for this suggestion)
- better moon icon (thx to jacobtey)
- hour legend
- place aliases
- bug fixes

- tooltip overhaul

- offline cache
- fahrenheit support
- support for multiple places
- long-term forecast in expanded plasmoid
- using night icons in the night

- initial import

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 Render Meteogram

 by ipminimalist on: Jan 11 2016
Score 50%

The "Render Meteogram" feature is not rendering wind direction and cloud cover.

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 Re: Render Meteogram

 by clearmartin on: Jan 12 2016
Score 50%

Thanks, I'm aware of that and I intend to fix it in future versions. Although rendered meteogram for yr.no will lack cloud coverage since they are not providing it through api.

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 by iggypl on: Jan 17 2016
Score 50%

I`m on fedora 22 kde and weather-widget not starting after reboot, is there any chance to fix it?

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 Re: weather-widget

 by clearmartin on: Jan 17 2016
Score 50%

I'm not sure what that means exactly. Is there anything instead of the widget (icon, empty space)? Can the weather be refreshed with "Reload" button inside expanded weather widget?

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 Re: Re: weather-widget

 by iggypl on: Jan 18 2016
Score 50%

The only thing don`t work is after reboot there is no icon, it shows nothing.

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 Re: weather-widget

 by clearmartin on: Jan 18 2016
Score 50%

And if you expand the widget (by clicking on it) and click on the left bottom text (changes to "Reload" on hover)... does that bring the weather data on the screen?

Did you find any way to show the weather data again? E.g. removing and adding the widget? Or it just stopped showing anything after one reboot and there is no weather data visible since?

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 Re: Re: weather-widget

 by iggypl on: Jan 19 2016
Score 50%

I can not refrash it, after reboot it is in off mode :-(

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 Re: Re: Re: weather-widget

 by clearmartin on: Jan 27 2016
Score 50%

The only thing I can think of is you are experiencing this issue:

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 by HATRED on: Jan 18 2016
Score 50%
gericom.humm er

First, thanx for this great extention, being now installed by default on my Netrunner/Manjaro system.
I have one simple suggestion - besides yr.no and owm, can you add as provider, if it is possible, also weather.com - being used by default on google weather page, google now launcher on android, yahoo and more.
Thanx in advance.

Linux is so simple operation system, but you must be a genius to understand its simplicity.
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 Re: weather.com

 by clearmartin on: Jan 18 2016
Score 50%

Thanks for your feedback! I guess I can add more providers... I was planning the yahoo one. I'll add more (e.g. weather.com) but it will take time as I have plans with other widgets, too :-).

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 Re: Re: weather.com

 by HATRED on: Jan 19 2016
Score 50%
gericom.humm er

Great, to hear that, as to me weather.com gives the most accurate temperature info. Thanx once again.

Linux is so simple operation system, but you must be a genius to understand its simplicity.
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 Location Problem

 by robbyk on: Jan 19 2016
Score 50%

Hi, I have one problem with every one of the Weather widgets on KDE, none of them will find me. I am located in the US, Mississippi, and entering my zip code, or even the in town NOAA weather station ID, returns only European stations. I don't even know where to start asking where to start. I mean usually I figure it's something I've done, and it may be, but how could all of them return the same stations, but they all (mostly) use the same search program so I just don't know. Can you give me any help?


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 Re: Location Problem

 by clearmartin on: Jan 24 2016
Score 50%

Hi, I'm not sure I can help you as you probably tried all what I'm going to suggest. Probably the only way to find your location is here:
...for OWM provider and here in search bar:
...for yr.no provider

If these are not returning expected result maybe you are entering invalid data (my zip code was also not found) so I suggest to find your place on maps.google.com, copy the name to the search bar in OWM or yr.no site and hope for the best :). But it should find anything since it has found little villages in Czech Republic...

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 Reload partly incorrect

 by pmendl on: Jan 23 2016
Score 50%

I use dual boot Linux/Windows 7 if it matters. After reboot into linux the data shown are incorrect (probably until next regular reload - did not check, just today noticed the behavior), and last reload time displays 8309m ago. However hovering mouse pops up correct data (cloud cover, temperature). As well clicking on the gadget to display yr.no forecast gives proper (current) forecast timeline. Nevertheless 8309m ago is again displayed in the lower left corner. Hovering the mouse turns this to "Reload" button, however clicking it does not change the last reload time figures, neither does it change the main gadget displayed values.

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 Re: Reload partly incorrect

 by clearmartin on: Jan 24 2016
Score 50%

Maybe it really corresponds with the time skew related to win/linux dual-booting. You should set your time to "local" in your linux distro so that both windows and linux is setting the same time in bios. Anyway it looks like you are using an old version of Weather Widget because of the big number of "minutes ago". The newer versions are using also days and hours.

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 Good app but can be made better: some issues

 by bhlevca on: Jan 24 2016
Score 50%

Goon app but I have Three issues:
1) If you mix yR with OWN entries then the yR entry will not display below the map the temperature evolution from 0 to 24 for each day (vertical). however, the OWN entry shows that.
2) There is no way to set the start time. It appear to always shows the UTC time, which may be good for Europe, but not for other time zones
3) It show the weather forecast for the next days but no details for the current day.

Other than that I like the app and it had good potential. I think that fixing these things is more important than adding new sources.

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 Re: Good app but can be made better: some issues

 by clearmartin on: Jan 25 2016
Score 50%

Hi! Thanks for your feedback! I agree bug fixing should be preferred.

ad 1)
This looks like a regression. Please try the latest version (I've now released 1.6.2)

ad 2)
Start time and overall time management should be fixed in this version, too. Please try and report back :). Still for yr.no provider there is no way showing really current weather in meteogram because they only provide weather forecast starting 1-3 hours in the future. Open Weather Map should be fine though.

ad 3)
Under the map on the left there is a "today" column with today temperatures. The current weather conditions are listed in widget tooltip and also partially in meteogram. But maybe you meant showing more info inside expanded plasmoid under the meteogram?

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 Re: Good app but can be made better: some issues

 by bhlevca on: Jan 25 2016
Score 50%


I had to compile myself (from github) and install it. The one which was installed from the plasma repository is possible that was not replaced.

It would be good if you can stick somewhere the version number as I had no clue what version I was testing.

1) Fixed.
2) Fixed. The OWM does not offer cloud and wind info
3) Yes I meant in the expanded plasmoid. Also Wind, humidity etc would be good. In addition OWM does not print the Name of the location but just a number, which is annoying

Also, It would be good (if sources permit) to be able to select current/day forecast , 2 day forecast or extended (7 days) forecast


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 Re: Re: Good app but can be made better: some issu

 by clearmartin on: Jan 27 2016
Score 50%

Thanks for retesting and suggestions.

Yes, this is known plasma bug. Hopefully will be fixed soon (updating through "Get new widgets").

I'll add some version info next release.

ad 2)
I'm working on it :)

ad 3)
I'll try to stick the missing current weather conditions inside expanded plasmoid.

The idea is that all weather info (current, 2 day and long term) is showed at once in expanded plasmoid. Or did you mean showing e.g. current + 2 more days right inside panel?

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 Re: Re: Re: Good app but can be made better: some

 by bhlevca on: Jan 27 2016
Score 50%

"The idea is that all weather info (current, 2 day and long term) is showed at once in expanded plasmoid. Or did you mean showing e.g. current + 2 more days right inside panel?"

Yes, inside this panel it would be good to have detailed current conditions: temp, wind, humidity, pressure and + 2 days forecast, but probably with less info because it is not available

Great work.

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 Re: Good app but can be made better: some

 by clearmartin on: Jan 28 2016
Score 50%

Understood. I'll try to do my best :).

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