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Weather Widget


Plasma 5 Plasmoid

Score 83%
Weather Widget

Weather Widget

Weather Widget

Link:  Link
Downloads:  6957
Submitted:  Apr 4 2015
Updated:  Mar 27 2016


Plasmoid for showing weather information from yr.no and Open Weather Map servers.

- shows basic info (with font-like icons) in panel
- shows meteogram + long term forecast in expanded plasmoid
- shows more info and near future forecast in tooltip
- offline cache
- support for multiple places
- system tray support

Future plans:
- support for other providers (accu, yahoo)
- place picker

- qt5-xmllistmodel, qt5-graphicaleffects
- e.g. packages for kubuntu users: qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel, libqt5qml-graphicaleffects

- EDIT: Preferred way: your distribution's package manager or build it yourself (https://github.com/kotelnik/plasma-applet-weather-widget#requirements)

- Add Widgets... -> Get new widgets -> Download new plasma widgets
- find this applet and install through the first item with .plasmoid extension
- NOTE: this version does not support offline data cache


- loading OWM more reliable
- visible plasmoid version in settings
- localization support (requires installing through "make install" or your distribution's package manager)

- icons in rendered meteogram
- owm request cache fixed

- next days legend fixed
- stability fixes
- rendered meteogram has red/blue temp. colour
- UTC/local-time fixes and option; mmHg option
- tooltip improved

- WARNING: your current locations won't be preserved when updating to this version, I am very sorry for that
- Open Weather Map support
- american settings (mph, inHg)
- proper offline cache implementation (requires C++ extension, therefore offline cache is no longer supported when installing through Add Widgets button)
- rendered meteogram for OWM and optionally for yr.no (it allows to be used by e.g. fahrenheit users)
- bugfixes

- next-days temperatures load fixed
- theming fixes

- theming & layout & other issues fixed (thanks a lot to nowrep from github)
- in-tray & classic tooltip improved
- today info added to expanded part
- finally 3 layout options added
- cache data goes to ~/.cache/ folder instead of in-plasmoid configuration

- added option to pause updating

- sunrise & sunset time in tooltip
- 'ago' message improved for bigger time intervals

- system tray support
- bugfixes (change place fix; properly handling day/night icons based on sunrise/sunset; credit link fix; resizing on desktop fix)
- more bugfixes: day/night icons fixed, M/s -> m/s (thanks ochurlaud)

- fixed compatibility with KF 5.12

- bug fix: refreshing current place when places changed
- tooltip fixed for KF 5.11
- new widget icon by varlesh

- using avansert_meteogram instead of meteogram (thx to steelsnake for this suggestion)
- better moon icon (thx to jacobtey)
- hour legend
- place aliases
- bug fixes

- tooltip overhaul

- offline cache
- fahrenheit support
- support for multiple places
- long-term forecast in expanded plasmoid
- using night icons in the night

- initial import

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 Wow !

 by srog on: Apr 4 2015
Score 50%

Thank you of good weather widget for the plasma 5.

At here - Kubuntu 15.04 beta - working fine

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 Re: Wow !

 by roctheme on: Apr 14 2015
Score 50%

I try to install it in Kubuntu 15.04 beta (via plasma and manually), but I cannot see the Widget in the list.

Whats wrong?

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 Re: Re: Wow !

 by ErikGhint on: Apr 14 2015
Score 50%

I would also like to know how to install this

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 Re: Wow !

 by clearmartin on: Apr 14 2015
Score 50%

Hi, I don't know how it can be installed via plasma but here is how I would be installing it manually to my home folder:
1) Download the source (weather-widget.zip)
2) Unzip
3) Copy folder plasma-applet-weather-widget-master/org.kde.weatherWidget to ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/ (so you will have now existing folder: ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.weatherWidget/ with some stuff in it)
4) Copy file plasma-applet-weather-widget-master/org.kde.weatherWidget/metadata.desktop to folder ~/.local/share/plasma/kservices5/ and rename it as you like (e.g. weatherWidtget.desktop)
5) Restart plasma (e.g. by logging out and in again)
6) Now try to add the widget. Its name is "Weather Widget" in Widgets selection.

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 Re: Re: Wow !

 by roctheme on: Apr 15 2015
Score 50%

Thank you!
Very nice applet.

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 Re: Wow !

 by clearmartin on: Apr 15 2015
Score 50%

Thanks! And don't worry, it won't stay in beta state forever;)

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 Re: Re: Wow !

 by jopu on: May 11 2015
Score 50%

Hi clearmartin,

I have done all the steps without any success.

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 Re: Wow !

 by clearmartin on: May 11 2015
Score 50%

OK, lets narrow the problems:
1) What version of plasma do you have installed?
2) Make sure you have also qt5-graphicaleffects package installed (or something like this in your distribution).
3) Can you see the widget in widget selection?
4) Or is the widget added to panel but does not show anything? Or some error after clicking on it?
5) Please post output of this command:
tree ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.weatherWidget/
6) And this command:
tree ~/.local/share/kservices5/
(maybe you will have to install "tree")

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 Working excellently, perhaps systray it?

 by DiscipleOfDante on: May 6 2015
Score 50%

This is an excellent applet, and one that would be in high demand for Plasma 5, perhaps it would be useful though to integrate it into the system tray? The system tray's design is perfect for this type of applet, and I feel like it would really improve the flow of the applet to place it there.

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 Re: Working excellently, perhaps systray it?

 by clearmartin on: May 6 2015
Score 50%

Interesting idea! Personally I like it on a persistent spot in panel (and bigger then systray icon) but I probably could make it possible to place it in system tray. Since I've never done this before it will probably take some time... :)

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 Re: Re: Working excellently, perhaps systray it?

 by geoaraujo on: May 12 2015
Score 50%

That's strange. I'm using it on panel...
You know what would be amazing? Hovering the mouse on panel icon and get displayed City Name, Temperature and Weather Condition. Oh, and vertical layout. ;)

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 Re: Working excellently, perhaps systray it?

 by clearmartin on: May 12 2015
Score 50%

Sounds reasonable. The default popup should be replaced with something useful. Or did you mean showing some info instead of default temperature and icon directly inside panel (on mouse hover)? That could be interesting, too :)

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 Would it be possible to use the Detailed pic?

 by steelsnake on: May 16 2015
Score 63%

I.e it currently shows this image:

Would it be possible to use this one instead? Maybe fallback to the other if this one doesn't exist for every place?

This is already THE BEST weather applet out there btw.

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 Re: Would it be possible to use the Detailed pic?

 by clearmartin on: May 16 2015
Score 50%

Done. Hearing such praise makes me always very satisfied - thanks for your feedback and suggestion. This one was easy:)

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 kubuntu 15.04 in not work

 by Ketboga on: May 17 2015
Score 50%

Hi, I am user of kubuntu, I downloaded the weather widget 1.2.1 plasma 15.04 comments, as you say, I've done both, copy and paste the output into folders and even make more informed system again how I should do a kind of installation of the application doesn't look as can you give a detailed information? When you have a show you need to copy files during Setup, I didn't create it myself in my system folder kdesercives I copied there, the problem stems from ondanmı I wonder, whatever was a bit complicated I know not very well and English:(application how do I install?

my system properties

Kubuntu 15.04

Linux kernel: Linux 3.19.0-16-generic

KDE Plasma Version: 5.2.2

Thanks for your help in advance. good work.

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 2 small problems in settings

 by ChemBro on: May 20 2015
Score 50%

Hey, thank you for the nice plasmoid. I just have 2 small problems with the settings. In "General" I can't read the help text, because it does not use my dark theme font colour. So now it is black font on black background.

And in "Appearance" it doesn't visually say, if I chose °C or °F. The radio button is blank in both options.

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 Re: 2 small problems in settings

 by clearmartin on: May 21 2015
Score 50%

Hi! Thanks for reporting! Both will be fixed in next version.

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 installed in kubuntu 15.04

 by iconmefisto on: May 27 2015
Score 50%

After many attempts to get this working on kubuntu 15.04, I got it working after installing the package


and then logged out/in.

Without that package, an error message is displayed instead of the widget.

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