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Ambiance & Radiance Flat Colors


GTK 3.x Theme/Style

Score 67%
Open Source Design Project
Ambiance & Radiance Flat Colors

Ambiance & Radiance Flat Colors

Ambiance & Radiance Flat Colors

Homepage:  Link
Downloads:  20359
Submitted:  Dec 12 2014
Updated:  Mar 21 2016


Ambiance & Radiance Flat is a Modern, Beautiful and Vivid Re-imagination of the Ambiance & Radiance Color GTK 2/3 Themes. It features a Modern, Clean look in your choice of 13 vibrant colors. Despite it's name it is pretty much a completely new theme. Not just a simple mod of Ambiance. (We wish it was that easy. But we redesigned lots of things.)

March-April 2016. We have pushed a big/new update that adds: Full support for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS & Mint 18 And Fixes a issue with Mate & Compiz Window Border and CSD not working.

Please Note: A user (One person, multiple accounts) has voted our two themes down to a very low percent because they where upset with us... We have since forgiven them but if you like this theme please give it a like? Thanks.

New Update for 16.04 LTS! Full support for GTK 3.16 & 3.18 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 8, Linux Mint Debian 2, Arch, OpenSuse and more! GnomeShell support in 15.04 and later builds.Fully Supports 16.04 LTS & 14.04 LTS

Full and tested support for most of the popular GTK desktops Including:
Unity, Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE, LXDE, OpenBox, Gnome Classic & Fallback. Gnome Shell is now supported in 15.04 GTK 3.14 Build.

A Re-imagined Theme in your choice of 13 amazing colors! And Re-designed in many aspets. Ambiance Flat borrows some inspiration and similarity to stock ambiance. However we have taken it to another level with seamless tool-bars, menus and beautiful crisp clean simple look everywhere. With some awesome punchy colors.

Check out Vivacious Colors Icon Theme (Our brand new icon theme.)

Or Check out Vibrancy Colors Icon Theme

This Theme Fully Supports:
Ubuntu 16.04, 15.10, 15.04, 14.10 & 14.04. Linux Mint 18 & 17. Linux Mint Debian 2 & 3, Debian 8 And Linux Or BSD Distros With GTK Versions 3.10, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16 & 3.18+

We have reworked everything, so now one theme works on all desktops. No more separate versions cluttering things up.

There Are 3 Versions:
Ambiance- The darker flavor. Dark panel, menu, toolbar etc.
Ambiance Fusion- Is a hybrid blend w/Light toolbars. Dark panel, menu etc.
Radiance- is the lighter flavor. Light panel, menu etc.

Each Color Has Two Window Button Styles:
Pro- Monochrome Window Buttons
Regular- Color Window Buttons

A Special "Classic Big Border" Window Border Theme is also included as an option for MATE and XFCE Users Who have trouble resizing small/fine window borders. Don't know if that's a issue for anyone but we want to make sure everyone can enjoy and use the theme without struggle. So we include both. This Also may fix resize issues for some users without compiz on MATE and even XFCE.

Ambiance & Radiance Flat is not by or endorsed by the original Ambiance team. It is a NEW Fully flat Ambiance like theme that is Designed by the RAVEfinity Open Source Design Project, It has been in planning & development for a long awhile. Completely redesigned top to bottom by RAVEfinity with main code based on Ambiance & Radiance Colors (Another theme By RAVEfinity) & Stock Ambiance. We keep some design elements of stock Ambiance but we have also redesigned lots of parts on our own. A lot of new design work has gone into this.

Brought to you by:

RAVEfinty Open Source Design:

Jared Sot.
Lead Developer and Designer.

With HUGE Contributions by:
Dr. Amr O , Andrew, Benoit T, Umair R.

Based On Ambiance & Work (GPL) By:
Kenneth Wimer, James Schriver, Andrea Cimitan ,Canonicol LTD,David Barr ,P0ng

If you like this theme, Check out our other work or just support us by visiting:http://www.ravefinity.com/


Need Help Installing Or Using This Theme?
Read The Easy Howto Guide. And Other Theme Related Help At Our Website's Help Section: http://www.ravefinity.com/p/help-faq.html

Needed Theme engines:
(All engines but pixmap should be already installed on Ubuntu and Mint.)

1.) "Murrine" gtk2 theme engine version 0.98+ ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

2.) "Unico" Theme Engine. Is highly recommended but will work without it.
(!) Unico is no longer required in 15.04 version! Only in 14.04.1.

3.) Recommended Engine...
"Pixmap Theme Engine"
Package name: "gtk2-engines-pixbuf"

Can be found in the REPOS Install VIA:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf

Theme is available in Debs Packages and in our PPA. Thanks to our friends at Noobslab.com.

If You Like The Theme Please Consider Spreading the word/link to our site. Not just the PPA Install Instructions... ravefinity.com - Thanks.

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 great themes

 by babblegum on: May 29 2015
Score 50%

all your themes are great but could you add a grey/monochrome version to them all?


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 Re: great themes

 by Ravefinity on: May 31 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Thanks for your feedback. I will take a look at doing this.

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 GTK 3.8?

 by GLOuser on: May 31 2015
Score 50%

Can this theme work with GTK 3.8.2? Because when I start transmission-gtk 2.84 I get this from the terminal;

(transmission-gtk:23061): Gtk-WARNING **: Style property "border-top-left-radius" is not gettable

(transmission-gtk:23061): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gtype.c:4239: type id `0' is invalid

(transmission-gtk:23061): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: can't peek value table for type `<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
zsh: segmentation fault transmission-gtk


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 Re: GTK 3.8?

 by Ravefinity on: Jun 1 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Sorry for the confusion. Only GTK 3.10,3.12,3.14,3.16 and newer. 3.8 is not supported.

That version of GTK is from 2013 I believe. So we no longer maintain that.

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 Fedora 22

 by Havner on: Jun 26 2015
Score 50%


I installed the theme on Fedora 22 and there is a problem with overscroll effects. They are opaque virtually covering the content behind them.

What am I missing? Any hint would be appreciated.


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 Re: Fedora 22

 by Havner on: Jun 26 2015
Score 50%

I also installed the Vertex style (from rpm found by ravefinity page) and the overscroll effect and other transparencies work fine. So they are possible with 3rd party themes here. They just don't work for ambience flat (and regular ambience).

I did download the 3.14+ version.

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 Re: Re: Fedora 22

 by Ravefinity on: Jun 27 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Thanks for the heads up on this. This theme is written a little differently then others. Being based on Ambiance we are kind of off in our own codebase not based on Gnomes themes. This has advantages and disadvantages. We have had to go back and fix lots of things to make GnomeShell work this sounds like more weird stuff with 3.16. But it works fine on most other desktops so I am not sure. I will be investigating this and trying to fix. Sorry about that. But things seem to be working on Debian 8 , Ubuntu , Mint etc. Gonna do my best.

I am Gonna try my best to make GnomeShell work better on 3.16. Thanks for letting me know. I am just happy Debian 8 and 3.14 seems to be working we worked really hard to make that happen ASAP :)

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 Re: Fedora 22

 by amorpher on: Jul 16 2015
Score 50%




GTK 3.16

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 Re: Re: Fedora 22

 by amorpher on: Jul 16 2015
Score 50%

buttons border — http://storage3.static.itmages.ru/i/15/0716/h_1437050811_7802971_0dc4a70e3b.png

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 Re: Re: Re: Fedora 22

 by Ravefinity on: Jul 16 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Thank you for the screenshots. I now know what and where to look and fix. We are gonna be doing our best to resolve these issues on Fedora 22 & GTK 3.16. But our time is a little limited right now so if anyone feels like helping they can feel free. But I hope to get it sorted very soon.

Edit: the banding issue should now be fixed. :)

The Buttons are a deeper issue that stem from how ambiance draws buttons and how Gnome 3.16 decided to add new button sizes. so we have to go away for a bit and work like crazy to fix those I believe. The good news is one only sees those in a very limited set of places for now so they are more annoying then harmful.

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 Trouble with LibreOffice

 by khoacao96 on: Aug 11 2015
Score 50%

Hi! I'm using Fedora 22 (Gnome 3.16) and Radiance Flat Red Pro from your theme. When using LibreOffice, I've noticed a problem: clicking titles on the toolbar (File, Edit, View,etc.) will make the title white, which will blend with the white block from your theme. I hope you guys can fix this as soon as possible because this is one of the best themes on Gnome Look (in my opinion ^^) Thank you for making this theme for us!

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 Re: Trouble with LibreOffice

 by Ravefinity on: Aug 17 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Thank you for the kind words and for reporting that issue. That menu problem on LibreOffice actually stems from a strange issue that Radiance has had for awhile I believe. But I hope to re-open and correct it if possible very soon.

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 Debian-Repository please!!

 by Karmicbastler on: Sep 12 2015
Score 50%

hey Ravefinity

I need a Debian-Repository from this please!!
I would love to have this in LMDE 2 Betsy!! So
could you please do a Debian-Repository from this

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 Re: Debian-Repository please!!

 by Ravefinity on: Sep 13 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Thanks for the comment.

At the moment we have Debs you can install manually for Debian/LMDE on the download page. (Pick the 15.04 version)

I am not sure how to go about making a Debian repository? I though they mentioned supporting PPAs one day but I am not sure.

I will have to do some research on this. And or see if the mint guys would be any chance accept us into their repo perhaps. I don't know how it works for Debian but we do not host a server so it would have to be somewhere else.

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 Some UI styles left

 by JCA on: Oct 25 2015
Score 50%

Hey, I'm using Gnome 3.14 and there seems to be some styles missing on Firefox as far as I've found, besides there's a small bug on the system pop-ups, here's a couple of screenshots:


Check the scrollbar from firefox and the pop-up styles, they're totally different to the rest of the theme, and the system pop-ups looks like the left border of the selected option is not highlighted.

Anything besides that is great, keep up the good work :D

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 Re: Some UI styles left

 by Ravefinity on: Oct 27 2015
Score 63%
Open Source Design Project

Thank you for the feedback on this. That issue you are seeing on firefox may actually be simply related to needing the "murrine" GTK2 Theme Engine installed Also install pixmap gtk2. Just search for it in the OpenSuse repos (I am guessing thats what your useing?)

The button sometimes cutt off issue is a known one I am working to figure it out it may require major parts re-worked and not useing outline images. Unless someone can figure out another fix.

Thank you again for the support. I am going to do my best with the time I get keep improving things.

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 Re: Re: Some UI styles left

 by JCA on: Oct 28 2015
Score 50%

That's both right, I needed to install Murrine Engine (I thought it was installed by default, my bad) and I'm using opensuse; just curious, why did you guess opensuse?

As a side note I'm now running Tumbleweed with Gnome 3.18 and still works perfectly, thanks :)

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 Re: Re: Re: Some UI styles left

 by Ravefinity on: Oct 30 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Cool. Very glad to hear it is working now. I saw the OpenSuse lizard in one of your screen-shots so thats how I guessed :)

Still working on improving things I am not sure what the random button cutoff issue is going to entail it might be a tough one as stock Ambiance has not fixed it either.

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