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Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +

Score 71%



Link:  http://
Downloads:  52462
Submitted:  Sep 7 2004
Updated:  Apr 28 2006


Comix flat style for KDE 3.2+.

I hope this adds a little more fun to your desktop.
Thanks to all the authors of previous styles published for KDE. Please read AUTHORS, README and TODO.

Use the styles configuration button to overwrite the contour drawing color.
Use KDEs ControlCenter "Colors" dialog to adjust buttons- and highlight-color as well as the contrast.
Use kcontrols window decoration config-dialog to adjust title alignment and border width.

Also check the corresponding cursor theme at: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=32627

Have fun.


2006-04-28: v. 1.3.8
- kwin: title update fix
- kwin: window shading fix (Debian bug report 364459)
- kwin: inactive sunken buttons

2006-02-07: v. 1.3.7
- style: combobox fix (kdevelop crashing)

2005-12-05: v. 1.3.6
- style: tabs fix

2005-12-05: v. 1.3.5
- kwin: min width set to 200 px
- kwin: title update fix
- style: 2 px in tabs drawing
- style: frame fullscreen fix (kaffeine)
- colorscheme changes

1005-07-04: v. 1.3.4
- tabs cycling fixed

2005-05-30: v. 1.3.3
- flat menu items

2005-05-02: v. 1.3.2
- another colorscheme Makefile fix

2005-05-01: v. 1.3.1
- colorscheme Makefile fix

2005-03-xx: v. 1.3
- kwin: code cleanup and optimization
- kwin: doble click icon closes window
- kwin: sunken buttons
- kwin: expanded title box option
- kwin: colorscheme and code for inactive windows
- kwin: caption buffer
- kwin: title separator

- style: konqueror inactive split view statusbar background
- style: editable combobox fix
- style: tabs hover removed
- style: sharper gradients for "square" buttons
- style: color option bugfix (if OpenOffice.org is still crashing,
try to install comix-1.3 in the root kde environment to
be used by GTK-Qt Theme engine)
- style: code cleanup and optimization (7x speed improvement)
- style: menu item hover option
- style: kickerMode styled panels for Qt > 3.3

SUSE(SuSE 10.0 i586 RPM)
Gentoo(latest ebuild by praxxus)
Mandriva(latest 2006 rpm by bhautikj)
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 BUG in 1.0

 by lucher on: Sep 23 2004
Score 50%

if I disable the default dot-line-rectangle the default buttons look great. But: If I want to select something for example in konqueror (iconview) the selection rectangle isn't shown, too! Sadly.

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 1.1 Ebuild

 by Praxxus on: Sep 23 2004
Score 50%



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 Button color

 by Faramir on: Sep 23 2004
Score 50%

On this 1.1 version i didn't like the highlighted buttons, on previous versions the buttons used to be nicer... But the Comix still the best style for me :)

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 Square buttons

 by dolio on: Sep 24 2004
Score 50%

Hi. This theme is really great.

However, I noticed that when 'square' buttons have the keyboard focus, the outline of the circular buttons gets drawn inside of the existing square outline, which looks a bit weird. You can see this by, for example, right clicking on a panel icon and choosing properties.

I'd also agree with the guy above. I'd prefer it if the theme looked pretty much flat for all widgets. As it is, things are kind of inconsistant. For example, the square-ish buttons look flat in all cases, but the rounded buttons look 3D (are they two different types of buttons?). It'd also be nice if all buttons were either round or square, and not a mixture of the two (I think I prefer square-ish myself, but that's only my opinion).

Overall, though, this is a great theme. Keep up the good work.

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 Re: Square buttons

 by dolio on: Sep 24 2004
Score 50%

Oh, forgot to add this as well:

The square-ish widgets seem to have little specs of white around them in the rounded corners in some cases. For example, on Slashdot, a text field in the dark grey area will have white in the corners rather than the grey.

Again, great work.

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 Re: Square buttons

 by oshogg on: Sep 26 2004
Score 50%

I also agree that the theme should be consistent across all buttons.

1. Either all buttons should be squarish or rounded.
1. Either all buttons should be flat or 3d.

I would just be happy with all button rounded and flat - but that is just my personal opinion.


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 Great work!

 by oshogg on: Sep 24 2004
Score 50%


I would like to just mention that this is indeed great work. Please continue it to iron out any wrinkles found.

For me, it is pretty much perfect now :).


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 Many thanx!!!

 by donhare on: Sep 24 2004
Score 50%

After working through tons of styles i think i've found my most favorite. Combined with Mac OS X Baghira window decorations you made my desktop feel like home ... :)
Great work, keep it up !

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