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GTK 3.x Theme/Style

Score 75%


Forum:  Link
Downloads:  19698
Submitted:  May 31 2011
Updated:  Nov 15 2011


Aldabra is a GTK2 theme that uses the Murrine and Pixmap engines to mimic the look of Adwaita, the default GNOME 3 theme.

The goal of this theme is to provide visual consistency between GTK2 and GTK3 applications. It is a work in progress, and there are several known issues: keyboard shortcut color in menus, gray menu gradient, and toolbar button hover glow.

Versions currently exist for GNOME 3.0 and GNOME 3.2. Please download the version of Aldabra that matches your version of GNOME.

Aldabra is available under the LGPLv2+. Anyone is welcome to rename, package, or otherwise distribute the theme (in whole or in part) as permitted by that license. Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.


2011-11-14 Version 3.2.2
Removed low contrast hack so that menu separators are shown. Fixed white bar in LibreOffice.

2011-11-05 Version 3.2.1
Updated Metacity and GTK themes to fit GNOME 3.2. Metacity and GTK3 theme are taken from Adwaita. Modified notebook tab to clean up Firefox. Made menus and tooltips borderless and sized correctly. Added toolbar dragging. Thanks goes to ScionicSpectre and GregKNicholson (gkn.me.uk) on gnome-look.org.

2011-06-18 Version 0.7.5 Added a COPYING and NEWS file to the archive to help packagers. The theme itself has not changed.

2011-06-15 Version 0.7.5. Fixed Eclipse scrollbars. Thanks goes to mxt on ubuntuforums.

2011-06-06 Version 0.7.4. Corrected the colors of radios and checks in menus. Fixed the scrollbar "invalid borders" error.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7.3. Switched archive formats again. Attempted to allow installation via dragging archive to gnome-appearance-properties and to reduce errors in GNOME 2.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7.2. Modified index.theme. Aldabra displays as a full theme in gnome-appearance-properties without errors/warnings about missing dependencies.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7.1. Modified index.theme.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7. Modified index.theme. Removed the active tab underline and replaced screengrab checkboxes/radiobuttons with the official Adwaita images. Switched back to .zip because of GNOME-look's upload filesize limit.

2011-06-01 Version 0.6.2. Fixed gVim scrollbars.

2011-06-01 Version 0.6.1. Modified the toolbar pixmap to work better with some applications. Added radiobuttons and checkboxes to Firefox.

2011-05-31 Version 0.6. Added Adwaita-styled checkboxes and radiobuttons. They are not applied perfectly yet. Please comment about any regressions.

2011-05-31 Version 0.5.2. Fixed Firefox menubar selected text color.

2011-05-31 Version 0.5.1. Uploaded a .tar, because .tar.gz would not open. Fixed expanders.

2011-05-31 Uploaded a .tar.gz to help packagers. Contents of file have not changed, just the archive format.

2011-05-31 Initial commit to GNOME-look.org.

(Aldabra for GNOME 3.2 (3.2.2))
(Aldabra for GNOME 3.0 (0.7.5))
(Aldabra for Firefox (userChrome.css))
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 Okay, but...

 by illusionmist on: Nov 10 2011
Score 50%

Okay, but a few issues I'm seeing here on Archlinux. Tried with stable murrine engine and now git version.

1. Sidebar in Exaile player is not styled.
2. Weird border in menu_item, had to remove border_shades from gtkrc to make it borderless.
3. Menu separators gone invisible.
4. Scrollbars kind of too rounded.
5. Scrollbars clicked on won't change border color to blue.

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 Re: Okay, but...

 by GregKNicholson on: Nov 11 2011
Score 50%

On the menu-item borders – and in my defence :) –

In my modded version of Aldabra 0.7.5, border shades of 1.0 still yielded a dark border and I found 1.5 was the magic number that looked flat.

In 3.2.1, border shades of 1.0 (or absent) look flat. This makes sense, but its odd that it's changed.

Anyhow, yes. The border shades ought to be removed.

...And menu separators are indeed gone from 3.2.1. This is on Ubuntu precise (which at this stage is practically identical to Ubuntu 11.10.)

Aldabra 0.7.5 and 3.2.1 also expose a bug in LibreOffice: the text of selected menu titles stays white.

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 Re: Re: Okay, but...

 by ceramicm on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

1. I don't currently have Exaile installed, but I will try to install and test when I have time.
2. When I removed border_shades from the menu_items, the menu titles (eg. "File", "Edit", "View", "Help") becamed outlined (ie. not borderless). I can post a screenshot if you'd like. I'm using murrine from the Fedora 16 repositories.
3. Menu separators are back in the latest version (Aldabra 3.2.2). They disappeared before because I lowered contrast to achieve borderless menus.
4. Scrollbars are based on pixmaps from GNOME 3.0. It may be time for me to make new images.
5. I'll look into this.

There are a few comments regarding LibreOffice menu titles at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

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 Re: Re: Okay, but...

 by ceramicm on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

1. I don't currently have Exaile installed, but I will try to install and test when I have time.
2. When I removed border_shades from the menu_items, the menu titles (eg. "File", "Edit", "View", "Help") becamed outlined (ie. not borderless). I can post a screenshot if you'd like. I'm using murrine from the Fedora 16 repositories.
3. Menu separators are back in the latest version (Aldabra 3.2.2). They disappeared before because I lowered contrast to achieve borderless menus.
4. Scrollbars are based on pixmaps from GNOME 3.0. It may be time for me to make new images.
5. I'll look into this.

There are a few comments regarding LibreOffice menu titles at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

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 Re: Re: Re: Okay, but...

 by illusionmist on: Nov 18 2011
Score 50%

Thanks for checking on Exaile.
With 3.2.2 both problem 2&3 are gone, great!

Btw just double-checked; though the difference's subtle but yup, those images have changed.

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 LibreOffice selected menu title

 by ceramicm on: Nov 16 2011
Score 50%

In LibreOffice, selected menu titles take the wrong color from gtkrc and are colored white. I get many comments about this issue. For reference, a bug report has been filed here: (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38038).

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 Thunderbird compatibility

 by petarkb on: Nov 23 2011
Score 50%

I got the tabs in Firefox to look right with your userchrome. However, it doesn't take effect when I copied it to my Thunderbird profile.

I tried using the DOM inspector to find out how they called the tabs in Thunderbird, but it's really hard to navigate. Got any pointers?

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 Nice work!

 by Mystro256 on: Dec 20 2011
Score 50%

Besides the odd darker blue progress bars, it looks great! Thanks!

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 Pidgin side tabs

 by tboxley on: Dec 22 2011
Score 50%

When pidgin tabs are set to display on the side, they're broken.

Here's a screenshot:


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 Extensive changes in Adwaita 3.4

 by ScionicSpectre on: Jan 23 2012
Score 50%

As expected, Adwaita is getting a few refinements in time for GNOME 3.4. In fact, quite a few.

Scrollbars, tabs, progressbars, and 'emphasized buttons' have all undergone several changes and refinements. Perhaps the most obvious change is the scrollbar- no more up/down buttons, just a dark grey bar similar to the scrollbars in the Shell theme.


Unfortunately, that's the most relevant link I could find to an image, and it's sized down. :\ This brings up, again, the question of whether it's tenable to keep up with Adwaita, or if we need to pursue direct engagement with the devs close to Adwaita.

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