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GTK 3.x Theme/Style

Score 75%


Forum:  Link
Downloads:  19698
Submitted:  May 31 2011
Updated:  Nov 15 2011


Aldabra is a GTK2 theme that uses the Murrine and Pixmap engines to mimic the look of Adwaita, the default GNOME 3 theme.

The goal of this theme is to provide visual consistency between GTK2 and GTK3 applications. It is a work in progress, and there are several known issues: keyboard shortcut color in menus, gray menu gradient, and toolbar button hover glow.

Versions currently exist for GNOME 3.0 and GNOME 3.2. Please download the version of Aldabra that matches your version of GNOME.

Aldabra is available under the LGPLv2+. Anyone is welcome to rename, package, or otherwise distribute the theme (in whole or in part) as permitted by that license. Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.


2011-11-14 Version 3.2.2
Removed low contrast hack so that menu separators are shown. Fixed white bar in LibreOffice.

2011-11-05 Version 3.2.1
Updated Metacity and GTK themes to fit GNOME 3.2. Metacity and GTK3 theme are taken from Adwaita. Modified notebook tab to clean up Firefox. Made menus and tooltips borderless and sized correctly. Added toolbar dragging. Thanks goes to ScionicSpectre and GregKNicholson (gkn.me.uk) on gnome-look.org.

2011-06-18 Version 0.7.5 Added a COPYING and NEWS file to the archive to help packagers. The theme itself has not changed.

2011-06-15 Version 0.7.5. Fixed Eclipse scrollbars. Thanks goes to mxt on ubuntuforums.

2011-06-06 Version 0.7.4. Corrected the colors of radios and checks in menus. Fixed the scrollbar "invalid borders" error.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7.3. Switched archive formats again. Attempted to allow installation via dragging archive to gnome-appearance-properties and to reduce errors in GNOME 2.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7.2. Modified index.theme. Aldabra displays as a full theme in gnome-appearance-properties without errors/warnings about missing dependencies.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7.1. Modified index.theme.

2011-06-02 Version 0.7. Modified index.theme. Removed the active tab underline and replaced screengrab checkboxes/radiobuttons with the official Adwaita images. Switched back to .zip because of GNOME-look's upload filesize limit.

2011-06-01 Version 0.6.2. Fixed gVim scrollbars.

2011-06-01 Version 0.6.1. Modified the toolbar pixmap to work better with some applications. Added radiobuttons and checkboxes to Firefox.

2011-05-31 Version 0.6. Added Adwaita-styled checkboxes and radiobuttons. They are not applied perfectly yet. Please comment about any regressions.

2011-05-31 Version 0.5.2. Fixed Firefox menubar selected text color.

2011-05-31 Version 0.5.1. Uploaded a .tar, because .tar.gz would not open. Fixed expanders.

2011-05-31 Uploaded a .tar.gz to help packagers. Contents of file have not changed, just the archive format.

2011-05-31 Initial commit to GNOME-look.org.

(Aldabra for GNOME 3.2 (3.2.2))
(Aldabra for GNOME 3.0 (0.7.5))
(Aldabra for Firefox (userChrome.css))
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 No screenshots, but a patched theme.

 by ScionicSpectre on: Oct 14 2011
Score 50%


Hey guys- here's a link to Aldabra with a few changes. First, it's using metacity and gtk3 from GNOME 3.2. Second, the menus and tooltips have changed to more closely reflect GNOME 3.2 (flat, borderless).

The only issue is that murrine doesn't seem to allow you to make the tooltips or menu items entirely borderless, so that's a bummer.

If any murrine experts are lying around who might know how to 'de-style' this stuff, please let me know.

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 Re: No screenshots, but a patched theme.

 by ceramicm on: Oct 14 2011
Score 70%

Thank you very much for your work! I'm very sorry that I've neglected this theme recently, but it's great to know that people are still interested in it. I've installed GNOME 3.2, and I'll try to look through your updates this weekend. If you don't mind, could I integrate the changes into a new release of Aldabra? I'd also improve Firefox tabs, something I did locally but never uploaded.

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 Re: Re: No screenshots, but a patched theme.

 by ScionicSpectre on: Oct 14 2011
Score 50%

Oh, neat- I look forward to seeing how the Firefox tabs would look. I'm totally fine with you adding these changes, as it would give me a chance to update my package in the AUR (Arch User Repository).

It would probably be wise to keep the old theme uploaded in case someone's using a stable distro (like when Debian Stable finally comes with GNOME 3).

I don't think Adwaita will change to an extreme amount in the future, as this new update is fairly close to the mockups. The biggest change I see is that 'pretty' round tooltips may be coming to GTK 3.4, and Adwaita may not even use them.

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 Re: Re: Re: No screenshots, but a patched theme.

 by GregKNicholson on: Oct 15 2011
Score 50%

(Note that Ubuntu 11.10 users will have to install the package ‘gtk2-engines-pixbuf’ for the toolbar trough to appear.)

It should be possible to just include symlinks to /usr/share/themes/Adwaita for gtk-3.0, backgrounds, and metacity-1, rather than repackaging those parts of Adwaita.

A further improvement to remove the border from highlighted menu-items:

style "menu_item_white" {
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 3

fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color

engine "murrine" {
border_shades = {1.5, 1.5}


style "menu_item_black" {
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 3

fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color

engine "murrine" {
border_shades = {1.5, 1.5}


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 Re: Re: Re: Re: No screenshots, but a patched them

 by ScionicSpectre on: Oct 15 2011
Score 50%

Good idea- it's needless to repackage Adwaita, especially if this ends up falling out of maintenance down the line.

Looks like the buttons and tooltips are the only obvious issues left. Thanks for the contribution- I feel less (more?) obsessive-compulsive already.

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 Still no screenshots, but a further-patched theme

 by GregKNicholson on: Oct 16 2011
Score 70%

I've packaged up a few modifications: http://www.mediafire.com/?2z4omrh1rsjbn22 (MediaFire is remarkably easy to use!)

For fidelity to Adwaita:

* Hovered menu items in gtk2 have a flat blue highlight – no darker border.
—I achieved this by adding “engine "murrine" {border_shades = {1.5, 1.5} }” to style "menu_item_white" and style "menu_item_black" in gtk-2.0/gtkrc.

* Menu bars in gtk2 can be dragged to move the window.
—I added “GtkToolbar::window-dragging=1” to gtk-2.0/gtkrc under the Style Properties section.

* gtk3 controls are drawn using whatever version of Adwaita you have installed.
—I replaced the gtk-3.0 folder with a symlink to /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0.

For my own personal preference:

* Title bars are removed from maximised windows.
—I achieved this by changing the frame_style_set definitions in metacity-theme-2.xml and metacity-theme-3.xml so that the normal_style_set uses the border_focused and border_unfocused styles when state="maximized". I also changed frame_geometry name="borderless" in the same files so that left_width, right_width, bottom_height and title_vertical_pad all have values of 0.
—Because this is done in the metacity theme, maximus and similar utilities aren't required, and this should work in Gnome Shell, Gnome Classic, Gnome 2 and Unity.
—If you don't like this behaviour, you can still install this package, and choose to use the Adwaita window theme in Advanced Settings (the Gnome tweak tool).

The only infidelities left in gtk2 that I've noticed are:

* When hovering a menu-item, the keyboard shortcut text becomes white. In gtk3 it stays grey.

* Some drop-down boxes still show up-and-down arrows, unlike in gtk3. These arrows are very small and don't look very good.

* Hovered toolbar buttons all have a button background, rather than Adwaita's light glow.

I release all of my changes into the public domain. You may freely use, share, change and redistribute. If you wish to give me credit, my name and address are Greg K Nicholson, http://gkn.me.uk.

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 Re: Still no screenshots, but a further-patched th

 by ceramicm on: Nov 5 2011
Score 50%

Thank you very much for your work. I incorporated a number of your modifications into Aldabra 3.2.1, and credited you in the NEWS file and in the Changelog on this site.

Regarding the selected menu item keyboard shortcut text, I don't think that it's possible to theme that separately from the selected menu item text in GTK2. I could be wrong.


 A few glitches

 by Shanto on: Oct 17 2011
Score 50%

Great theme otherwise, except I noticed a few glitches with this theme in Eclipse/SWT. Here's a screen-shot http://i.imgur.com/LnWvF.png (highlighting the problem areas side by side with stock Adwaita/Clearlooks v3.2)

I remember seeing this black part in a few more apps other than Eclipse, which I think, are related. Just can't recall which apps. :(

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to debug (point and identify) these sort of problems in GTK in general? I wish I could identify these myself and post my comment with a fix. :)

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 Merging Update?

 by ScionicSpectre on: Nov 4 2011
Score 50%

So, any word on when you might be merging the updates? I'm guessing you won't be including the metacity hacks, since that's definitely not consistent GNOME 3 behavior, but releasing a new theme with the menus, toolbar dragging, and symlinks would be beneficial.

I don't mean to nag, but I'd like to give Arch users an easy way to enjoy these updates, so after another week or so I'll probably just add the modifications to my AUR package regardless.

:) Thanks again for contributing so much already. I think this is certainly good enough to last people until the good apps get ported to GTK3.

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 Re: Merging Update?

 by ceramicm on: Nov 5 2011
Score 50%

Yes, sorry. I'm should have an updated version posted by tomorrow. Does GregKNicholson's version incorporate all of your changes as well, or are there two sets of changes I need to merge?

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 Re: Merging Update?

 by ceramicm on: Nov 5 2011
Score 50%

I just uploaded a new version of Aldabra incorporating many of your changes, crediting you in the NEWS file and in the Changelog on this site. Thank you for all of your work.

For now, I will continue to bundle Adwaita's Background, Metacity, and GTK3 theme with Aldabra. I know that some people use Aldabra in GNOME 2 environments, where the Adwaita theme is not likely installed, thus I am hesitant to depend on it via a symbolic link.

Also, there is an issue with the borderless menus. I worked around the issue by changing the menustyle to 2 (line 105) and by changing the contrast of the menu style to 0.0 (line 302).

With those changes, menus appear borderless, but menu separators disappear. If I set menustyle to 3 (line 105) and delete line 302, then menus are borderless but also have a grey blob gradient. Any ideas?

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 Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ScionicSpectre on: Nov 5 2011
Score 50%

Thank you very much- I'm perfectly fine with that. In fact, MATE uses Aldabra by default, and I'm fairly certain Adwaita isn't included in their setup, so symlinks may be another choice for people who are certain they want it in the future.

To be honest, I've found it very difficult to find any Murrine documentation (same goes for other engines). It appears extremely flexible, but many options that seem obvious were added fairly late in its development.

The best I can think of is contacting Cimi directly, or a seasoned Murrine themer who's willing to expound on their knowledge of the engine. Of course, we could just use pixmap to cover it up, but that seems extreme. I'll let you know if I come across any useful information.

Also, thank you very much for being attentive and patient with users like me. XD I'm glad to help.

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 Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ScionicSpectre on: Nov 6 2011
Score 50%

Just following up- after taking a look at the installed theme, I'm not entirely sure what this 'grey blob gradient' is. It may give me better ideas of ways to solve the issue.

Here's an image of what I see on Arch Linux with each of the themes. If you could point out the specific issue we're having, that'd be great. Is it only with certain applications? Forgive my ignorance.


To be clear, the only changes I made between those two on the right is the menu style option and the removal of the contrast line (lines 105 and 302).

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 Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ceramicm on: Nov 7 2011
Score 50%

I downloaded GregKNicholson's version of Aldabra from MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?2z4omrh1rsjbn22), deleted my version of Aldabra from /usr/share/themes, extracted his and put his in /usr/share/themes. I opened GNOME Tweak Tool and changed the GTK theme to High Contrast and back to Aldabra (to reload the theme). I opened AbiWord and clicked on the File menu, and there was a gray gradient in the menu. I took a screenshot and drew a red circle around the gray gradient: (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/45326422/screenshot.png).

Which version of the Murrine engine do you have installed? I'm using version from the Fedora 16 repos.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ScionicSpectre on: Nov 8 2011
Score 50%

Ah, I see- apparently I had had murrine from git due to another theme I downloaded- my mistake. I can confirm a very faint dark gradient in the upper section of my menus with murrine (from Arch's community repo, the official latest stable version).

However, it is very faint- I can only just barely see it. I'll have to take some shots to see just how large the disparity is. At first I thought my eye was tricking me. I can't really think of a way to get one effect without the other at the moment- I think I'll have to contact the author.

It could be possible to theme the active buttons and dividers with the pixmap engine, I believe, even if this ends up being unreconcilable.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ScionicSpectre on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

Just a small update.

Since updating the Aldabra package in the AUR, a few users have commented very strongly on the small border around the menu items and loss of dividers.

I haven't been able to find a solution to the very subtle grey gradient that's appearing (in murrine, at least), but it seems clear from the feedback I'm getting that it would be better to have that gradient and retain the other elements of the theme for now. Since the gradient is very difficult to detect unless you directly compare menus (and even then, it's only just barely noticeable), I think it may suit the users better to deal with the grey for the moment.

Of course, you're the author, so it's ultimately up to you. Just giving some feedback until we find a more suitable solution to the problem. Either way, it's an improvement. :)

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ceramicm on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

Thanks for the feedback. The latest version (Aldabra 3.2.2) removes the low contrast menu hack and uses menustyle = 3. Menu separators are visible again (as is the faint gray gradient). What do you mean by "small border around the menu items"?

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Merging Update?

 by ScionicSpectre on: Nov 16 2011
Score 50%

I was only referring to the one pixel white border around menu items. Thank you for being so attentive- I thought you might like to know that the GNOME Bugzilla bug about a theme has a lot of discussion about Aldabra, and possibly including it in an update, or 3.4. The general feeling is that "we should do better than a modified Clearlooks, at least, even if the patch isn't perfect."


I'm sure that if the theme were adopted into the project there would be a few upstream folks more than eager to contribute to the theme- it may be helpful to get into contact with the author(s) of Adwaita to see what they think.



 by marekm2 on: Nov 6 2011
Score 50%


Could You tell me how to make in gtk3 theme buttons more rounded?
In gtk2 there is parameter roundness but i can not find something similar in gtk3 theme files...

Marek M.

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 Re: Roundness

 by ceramicm on: Nov 7 2011
Score 50%

Try modifying the "border-radius" property. For example, "border-radius: 4;".

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 I like this theme

 by josian220 on: Nov 6 2011
Score 50%

Combo boxes aren't displayed correctly with this theme using Fedora 16 with LibreOffice 3.4.

Here is a picture of how it currently is http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/202/sc1z.png/

Now this is how I think would be cool if possible :P http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/sc2t.png/

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 Re: I like this theme

 by ceramicm on: Nov 7 2011
Score 50%

I'm not sure if it's possible to theme combo boxes that way, because LibreOffice isn't actually using GTK2, but is only emulating its appearance. I'll look into the issue though. Thanks for using Aldabra!

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 Re: Re: I like this theme

 by josian220 on: Nov 7 2011
Score 50%

Yeah I kinda knew it would be complicated to do that, but either way if the comboxes stay the same just without that white filling on their background it would look great. Also regarding LibreOffice, there is a odd white strip down the menus and when pressed any of the menus, it's name isn't visible while selected. I don't know if any of this issues have are already known but anyway at least I know they are known now :P

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 LibreOffice menubar

 by sauravzone1 on: Nov 9 2011
Score 50%

Excellent consistency with Adwaita! The only issue I find is that clicking an item in the LibreOffice menubar, i.e., clicking a menu heading, makes the menubar item (the heading) unreadable probably because of white text on an almost white background. The menu items themselves (in the drop-down) always remain readable, even in highlighted state. This happens with LibreOffice 3.4 and, as far as I remember, either the previous version of Aldabra or of LibreOffice did not have this issue.

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 Re: LibreOffice menubar

 by ceramicm on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

Yes, there are a few comments about this same issue at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

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 Re: LibreOffice menubar

 by ceramicm on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

Yes, there are a few comments about this same issue at the bottom of page two (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=142247&forumpage=1). It is a bug that was introduced in LibreOffice 3.4, and not something I have been able to work around. If anyone know a fix, it would be greatly appreciated!

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 Re: Re: LibreOffice menubar

 by sauravzone1 on: Nov 15 2011
Score 50%

Despite what your changelog says for version 3.2.2, selected items on the menubar are still white on my system.

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 Re: Re: Re: LibreOffice menubar

 by ceramicm on: Nov 16 2011
Score 50%

A white line separated LibreOffice's menubar and toolbar when using Aldabra 3.2.1. Aldabra 3.2.2 makes this white line go away. Selected menu titles are still white, as the LibreOffice bug has not been fixed and I still haven't found a workaround. Sorry for the confusion.

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