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GNOME Wallpaper 1680x1050

Score 47%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Homepage:  http://linuxlex.cz
Downloads:  256
Submitted:  Jan 10 2011
Updated:  Jan 11 2011


Created in Gimp. Hand drawing from a photograph.


Because sometimes there's someone who knows the technique of drawing in GIMP, and I doubt I add a reference link to one of the works: http://img832.imageshack.us/i/paining.png

LicenseCreative Commons by-nc-nd
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 Very Nice

 by thoughtfulUser on: Jan 10 2011
Score 63%

I wish I could do that with complex shapes and textures.

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 Nice reference photo used...

 by sankukai on: Jan 11 2011
Score 28%

... for this artwork:

But I think your stuff would be better if you really painted rather than turn photo to painting by using the smudge tool.

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 Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 70%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

On top of the page you say "drawn from a photograph"! The image is drawn in a drawing of the proportions as the painting should look. If you have some experience in drawing in GIMP or other similar applications, you know, the blur tool is used to blend colors:)) I can not imagine drawing in Gimp without using this tool. You do? I teach young digital artwork, if you're interested, I can also teach this technique. Personally, I paint and oil paint, acrylic and pencil for 18 years.

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 Re: Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by aktarus on: Jan 11 2011
Score 70%

Your digital-painting is really nice.
But perhaps the use of blur tool removes some detail.
Anyway, I love your work. Keep up it, my friend :)

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 Re: Re: Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 63%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Thank you very much. Drawing to be such. As the body turns a dark shadow and the figure is rotated as it is, it should not be sharp. Moreover, can you imagine if I have done detailed work? Then I would turn anyone really thought it was too real:)) In any event, I'm glad for your comments and ideas. I take note anyway. Thanks again.

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 Re: Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by sankukai on: Jan 12 2011
Score 63%

Sorry, but I would not say you're a bad painter just talk about feeling left by your work.
I was wrong, it's just your technique to use the blur tool that gives this result.
Keep up it my friend :)

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 Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by artalio on: Jan 11 2011
Score 75%

It's funny when you educate a man, who teaches painting. Personally, I studied with Mr. Pavlov. Please keep your assumptions based. Moreover, you have to mention the photo page, which did not author, but a link to a share. I looked at your work and you do turn collages by artists who do not wish to even use their work and are subject to copyright their work. Since the drawing for a living I am certainly not a supporter of such abuse. The fact that mount to your work does not solve any text that abusing art or other works of other authors and then have the audacity to denounce someone who does something through their own actions only on the subject of another author. It's awkward enough from you.

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 Re: Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 63%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Thanks for your advocacy, but I think it is unnecessary. Always there will be people who will be "harsh" comment on everything. Either it's because they are doing the same work (competition), and there are people who genuinely do not like something. These latter I take it as criticism and criticism is a good thing to be that you could improve. That you know when your own creation. Still, I thank you for the disenfranchised.

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 Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by thoughtfulUser on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%

Open both images as layers scaled and translated to match. Then click the layer visibility back and forth to see the smudge stroking.
I had never thought about just smudging existing photography to make it look like painting. I've always wanted to add (or subtract) to get something new, even if its only a mosaic.
I think I got cheated.

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 Re: Re: Nice reference photo used...

 by linuxlex on: Jan 12 2011
Score 50%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

If you can cope I solved it this way: insert a fotofrafii in Gimp, then you take the spray tool with full track and the small prodedení. Create a new layer and create just the contour (outline) drawings. Sometimes, just clues. Then layer of photographs blot. The next step is to spray paint "spray". You must not be afraid! Naneseš example, in addition to red and black. Then you take the blur tool to trace and spray strokes couple the two colors as you can see the original photo (you can print it out or just put on the screen next to the drawings). This way you draw the whole picture. Sometimes it does not matter, leave a trail of spray and smudge it more. It shows an interesting effect. The technician is very much a matter that would suit you more.

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 Excellent work

 by SiongLee on: Jan 11 2011
Score 63%

Excellent work, great refinement. I read here that someone questioned. So I'm no expert, but sometimes doing something GIMP. When I draw something even Inkscape and then I put it in the GIMP, and I need to blend the colors are also a tool to blur. Similarly, I always draw. I think it can not be done or otherwise.

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 Just a note.

 by Half-Left on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%

Note that he has to keep updating his artwork to keep it on the frontpage. Blatant abuse of the updating system.

You know people do read past the first page. Try and be fair with it.

A GNOME a day, keeps the doctor away.
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 Re: Just a note.

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Have you noticed that the added text above??

Because sometimes there's someone who knows the technique of drawing in GIMP, and I doubt I add a reference link to one of the works: http://img832.imageshack.us/i/paining.png"

If you know the method to add anything without being made to update it to write. Let it be done and does not appear to me to update :) in this system that unfortunately is not perfect.

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 Re: Re: Just a note.

 by Half-Left on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%

There is a little tick box called "Announce update on homepage and send a notification mail to all subscribers." at the bottom.

Yes I did see what you put but clearly you should read the options better, especially if your updates are meaningless to your subscribers. Nothing worse then spam. :p

A GNOME a day, keeps the doctor away.
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 Re: Re: Re: Just a note.

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

And what spam? :)))))) The site which shares obráky? Are you serious? Are you kidding? Probably not with you to discuss cedu. The only thing I noticed is that a disservice has any work that was published under this nickname. The abuse would be talking to you and by the way ... how many times you did you update your job?:) Are you one of those people that I wrote above! Do you see any competition and damaging! Tadeo, this is not about competition, here it is about creating something to offer others.

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 Re: Re: Just a note.

 by Half-Left on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%

Also I noticed your friends in crime marked my artwork down just now. Typical abuse on this site of which they should be ashamed of.

Good luck children.

A GNOME a day, keeps the doctor away.
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 Re: Re: Re: Just a note.

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Now, you probably do not understand?

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a note.

 by Half-Left on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%

Understand what?

Clearly the page notes say such people looked at my profile and marked my work down for no reason.

I gave you helpful information and clearly some nasty people misused the rating system because they thought I was attacking you.

You people should understand English better, then maybe things would be communicated clearer.

A GNOME a day, keeps the doctor away.
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a note.

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Sorry, but I can not for other people what they do. Do you not want me to be apologized for others? If you write to me here that badly understand English, we write for our country, you'll understand?
Если вы понимаете можно писать так.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a note.

 by linuxlex on: Jan 11 2011
Score 50%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Let's be reasonable ... Agreement without any insults, etc. Is that possible? I think we are doing the same thing. We are doing something for free for others. Do not argue, and therefore prefer to cooperate. Do you agree?

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a note.

 by Half-Left on: Jan 11 2011
Score 38%

Don't worry about it, I'm gone from this shitty site anyway, never should have come back.

All your loss.

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