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"Borealis" sound theme


System Sounds

Score 73%
"Borealis" sound theme

Link:  http://ico.bukvic.net
Downloads:  301306
Submitted:  May 12 2004
Updated:  Nov 14 2004


KDE Sound theme "Borealis"
Version 0.9a (11/14/2004)
by Ivica Ico Bukvic (SlipStreamScapes)
ico at bukvic dot net

The goal of this sound theme is to provide "better feel" through use of the subtle aural notifications. The test I always have in my mind while designing the desktop sounds is to imagine having half-dozen (or more) computer stations in the same office or studio and consider whether their simultaneous use (and resulting desktop sounds) would pose as distraction on users and their productivity. Therefore, in order to minimize the "distraction factor" this theme associates many of the common desktop events with brief, mostly non-pitched, but nonetheless pleasing sound sources (a.k.a. effects).

All of the sounds included have been composed (if applicable), recorded, and mastered by me (although a few of them bear resemblance to other OS's sounds). Some of them are leftovers from my previous compositional and production endeavors, while others are entirely new creations.

All sounds are designed and mixed at CD-quality (stereo, 16-bit, 44.1KHz). Ogg version is distributed as 192Kbit stereo files.

Thank you for your interest!

See below.

*Includes sounds for:
*KDE System Notifications
*KDE Sysguard
*Proxy configuration
*K3b (missing 1 sound)
*4 startup sounds
*2 exit sounds
*Automated installer and uninstaller (KDE 3.x)

IMPORTANT! installer has been tested only with KDE 3.x series.

Borealis comes with an automated install shellscript making the install a simple 2-step process:

1) Untar the package:
tar -jxvf Borealis_sound_theme-VERSION.tar.bz2

2) Install the theme:
cd Borealis/
su -p
(IMPORTANT! You must do 'su' with the '-p' flag in order to preserve your home dir variable while running as superuser)
sh install.sh

At this point simply follow the on-screen instructions and in a couple moments it should be all ready to go.

Optionally, you may also want to disable animation of minimizing/restoring windows as the theme sounds associated with these actions in my opinion work better when the animation is disabled. You can adjust this setting in the KControl -> LookNFeel -> Window Behavior -> Moving tab -> Animate minimize and Restore option.

To uninstall Borealis theme simply use the uninstall.sh script included in the tarball:

sh uninstall.sh

Your votes, comments, and suggestions are most welcome and appreciated. Thanks!


LicenseCreative Commons by-sa
(Sound Theme (wav files) ~15.2MB)
(Sound Theme (ogg files) ~2.7MB)
(Preview old startup sound with beat (~400KB ogg))
(Preview NEW startup sound (~450KB ogg))
(Preview NEW exit sound (~400KB ogg))
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 by lupine on: Jan 7 2007
Score 50%

cool i love it :)

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 by kenhead93 on: Feb 1 2007
Score 50%

Nice sounds, I really like them... But the Startup and Exit sounds are way too long, and that's a shame :|

Linux user #554106
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 Great Theme!

 by MAWSpitau on: Feb 13 2007
Score 50%

Hi the sound are asome! Is it planed to have more sounds?! Or maybe the default-Soundtheme for KDE :)
Great work!

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 Re: Great Theme!

 by SlipStreamScapes on: Feb 17 2007
Score 50%

Thank you very much for your kind words and compliments.

To answer your question, yes, there is a new version in the works. Although at this point I would prefer not to make any promises as to when the next release will be ready, other than it is my hope that it will be sometime "soon."

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


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 I like it very much

 by Kutuk on: Feb 17 2007
Score 50%

I've always wanted to find such sounds.

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 sound quality

 by iPirates on: Mar 26 2007
Score 50%

these sound files are awesome! good work..

however, i encountered a problem with trying to play them properly...

the only sounds that seem effected are the start up sounds, and the exiting sounds, which play fine until they reach a loud point, then they start to sound all distorted. I did some looking around on forums and believe that the problem is with kde, and a solution i've found to work is to turn the volume in alsamixer down to 50%, then turn my speakers up. the files play perfectly after that, but i was wondering if anybody knows of a better way to fix this??

**all other sound formats, so far have played great, just these ones i've noticed the distortion...

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 Re: sound quality

 by SlipStreamScapes on: Mar 26 2007
Score 50%


I think this is because the sounds were "enhanced" dynamically with a compressor. Hence they are quite close to clipping but they never actually do clip. Another solution would be to simply take any basic sound editor and take those two sounds and make them softer (i.e. using normalize plugin or amplify or whatever its name is in a particular editor).

I have a similar issue on my computer but have also come to the same conclusion which suggests that KDE sound system is to blame.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


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 Re: sound quality

 by SlipStreamScapes on: Mar 26 2007
Score 50%


I think this is because the sounds were "enhanced" dynamically with a compressor. Hence they are quite close to clipping but they never actually do clip. Another solution would be to simply take any basic sound editor and take those two sounds and make them softer (i.e. using normalize plugin or amplify or whatever its name is in a particular editor).

I have a similar issue on my computer but have also come to the same conclusion which suggests that KDE sound system is to blame.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


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 Re: Re: sound qualit

 by SlipStreamScapes on: Mar 26 2007
Score 50%

Oops, apologies for the double-post.

I guess another thing that I forgot to account for is that on certain soundcards I noticed that ALSA tends to be distorting in the higher dynamic range. This is especially true with laptops. So, I guess it may not be KDE issue after all but one of these two.

Best wishes,


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 Miranda IM

 by LabWOLF on: Apr 10 2007
Score 50%

I love your sound theme and I uploaded it to the following site for use with a Instant Messenger for Windows.


I kept the title the same and gave you full credit as the author of the sounds.


Please visit my website at http://www.LabWOLF.com
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