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SHOUTcast service


Amarok 2.0 Script

Score 91%
SHOUTcast service

SHOUTcast service

SHOUTcast service

Downloads:  8874
Submitted:  Dec 9 2009
Updated:  Jan 3 2011


this is a simple SHOUTcast service, it trys to replace the default shoutcast service that is not included in amarok anymore (talking about amarok 2.2.1 andy few older versions :))

you can browse genres and search for stations

for any suggestions and/or bugs (bug fixes preferred :D) send me an email

hope you like it!
-update 2.11
another temporary solution

-update 2.1
changed url for fetching the results, I hope this time it's gonna last longer..

-update 2.0
it was time to get searching working again!
here are the changes:

- searching via amarok's fiter
- specify wanted bitrate while searching: add 'br=192' to the query for stations with bitrate 192; e.g. 'house br=192'
- added shoutcast's top500 stations at the top of the ganres (you can limit number of fetched stations in preferences)
- preselected list of common genres (instead of showing all 300+ of them); this can be changed in preferences
- preferences
- set limit of fetched stations when browsing, searching and for Top500 (shoutcast's top stations)
- make a list of your preferred genes by enabling/disabling them

note: there might be some issues with fetching and displaying stations if you have less than 6 genres selected, so make sure, you select at least 6 of them!

-update 1.01
a really small update, script stopped working because shoutcast urls were changed. Thanks to a-glazachev's comment I hadn't even have to look them up :)

note: search had to be implemented in that way because i couldn't get the amarok's filter option to work properly...

(shoutcast service 2.11)
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 Thank you very much

 by mtadeunet on: Dec 10 2009
Score 50%

Heeeyyyy thank you soooo much.....for me is more then enough :) but the filter would be a great feature :) thank you again...I'm sure you made lots of people happy with this :)

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 Re: Thank you very much

 by littlebear2 on: Dec 10 2009
Score 50%

me too thank you

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 Re: Re: Thank you very much

 by cotko on: Dec 10 2009
Score 50%

you're welcome, I'm glad you like it :)

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 Broken Filter

 by nhnFreespirit on: Dec 10 2009
Score 50%

The problem with using the filter in scripts is a known issue, and one I consider a showstopper for soon to ne released Amarok 2.2.2 as it breaks many scripts, including the Librivox script which is included by default, so I am going to try very hard to fix it.

Other than that, this script works very nicely, great work :-)

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 by drinkingcoffee on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

Thanks! I was missing that!

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 Shoutcast, Amarok

 by toren on: Feb 14 2010
Score 50%

Much appreciated! Since I used to listen to various Internetradiostations before,I was at first very dissapointed with Amarok 2.2.

Many thanks, now it works perfectly well!

Tore N.
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 How do I search

 by jonathanschultz on: Mar 4 2010
Score 50%

Hi there. I accept your apology about search working in a strange way, but can't figure out what that way is. How do I search for a station?


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 Re: How do I search

 by cotko on: Mar 10 2010
Score 50%


yes, I know that search is not working anymore - new version of amarok fixed some scripting bugs but apparently also changed some previous functionality. In short, I can't insert search results as I could before. I tried to fix this as soon as I saw that it's not working anymore but I found out that the easiest way would be to use now working search filter, that means I must change quite a lot of code.

Now, besides not having a lot of time, there is another thing that stopped me to update and fix this script:

it seems that winamp api will not be accessible to not registered users very soon..

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 by cosmicdave on: Apr 6 2010
Score 50%

Thanks for this very useful script...much appreciated!

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