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KDE Sound Application

Score 93%



Homepage:  http://flacon.github.io
Issue Tacker:  Link
Wiki:  Link
Homepage:  Link
Downloads:  8458
Submitted:  Oct 8 2009
Updated:  Feb 2 2016


Flacon extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files. To do this, it uses information from the appropriate CUE file.
Besides, Flacon makes it possible to conveniently revise or specify tags both for all tracks at once or for each tag separately.
Now Flacon is a pure Qt application.

* Supported input formats: WAV, FLAC, APE, WavPack, True Audio (TTA).
* Supported out formats: FLAC, WAV, WavPack, AAC, OGG or MP3.
* Replay Gain analysis (album-gain and track-gain modes).
* Multi-threaded conversion process.
* Automatic character set detection for CUE files.


Version 2.0.0 and 2.0.1
* Support CUE files with several FILE tags.
* Fix: Flacon crashed if audio file was corrupt.
* Improved stability of the program.
* The program displays the duration of the tracks.
* New visual design of tracks selection.
* Program checks duration of the disk, if disk is shorter than CUE warning mark is displayed.
* Improves in the texts and messages.
* Translations updated
* OS/2 support.

Full changelog - http://flacon.github.io/changelog/

Source(flacon 2.0.1)
Ubuntu(Deb packages for Ubuntu)
SUSE(RPM packages for openSUSE)
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 Track name with '?' tran. fail

 by bfo on: Nov 25 2010
Score 63%

0.5.2 failed to transcode file with '?' in its name. I get a popup:

ERROR: can't open "/media/SANSA CLIP/MUSIC/Album/2010 - Name/02. Trackname?.ogg": Invalid argument

Above error is translated, therefore some differences may occur. What's weird, program doesn't complain about anything in console. Is there a way to recompile/run in debug mode by chance?

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 Re: Track name with '?' tran. fail

 by bfo on: Nov 25 2010
Score 50%

Oh, and forgot to mention I use up-2-date Archlinux.

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 Re: Re: Track name with '?' tran. fail

 by sokoloff on: Nov 26 2010
Score 50%

Flacon is written on python, so no compilation is needed. The program has commented debug operators. But IMHO I know what your problem is. The path looik like "/media/...", so it's a removable device, and I guess it has FAT file system, isn't it? But FAT has a limitation on file names.

I already have a function which replaces "unsafe" characters, the character "?" must be processed in it too.

Wait a few hours, I'll post the new version.

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 Re: Re: Re: Track name with '?' tran. fail

 by bfo on: Nov 26 2010
Score 50%

You're right, FAT32's the filesystem. I'll try to convert files to XFS filesystem and see what then.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Track name with '?' tran. fail

 by bfo on: Nov 26 2010
Score 50%

Yeah, the filesystem was the cultprit. Anyway, thanks for the attention.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Track name with '?' tran. fail

 by sokoloff on: Nov 26 2010
Score 50%

The new release is ready. While it does not appear in the AUR, you can just replace the file /usr/share/flacon/track.py on the new version.

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 gentoo ebuild

 by Thero on: Feb 3 2011
Score 50%

the fate of gentoo ebuild is here

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 Arch package

 by unikum111 on: Feb 22 2011
Score 50%


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 Re: Arch package

 by sokoloff on: Feb 25 2011
Score 50%

Thanks. The link on AUR already was on a program site http://code.google.com/p/flacon/, now I have added it on this page.

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 Feature Request

 by unikum111 on: Feb 22 2011
Score 50%

Is it possible to merge flac files in the image (flac or wav) and generate a cue based on the flac tracks tags? Perhaps it is worthy of a separate program...

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 Re: Feature Request

 by sokoloff on: Feb 25 2011
Score 63%

Interesting, I couldn't find such program. I thought they exist.
Unfortunately I have no enough time to write the GUI program just now (maybe some later). But I have written a small bash script for you http://code.google.com/p/flacon/downloads/detail?name=mergeflacs-0.1.tgz

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 Re: Re: Feature Request

 by unikum111 on: Feb 28 2011
Score 50%

Thacks for useful script. I hope idea will develop.

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 Encoding support?

 by york824 on: Jun 25 2011
Score 50%

Great app! I love it so much that I would like to see some improvements to make it even more perfect: maybe it is possible to detect the encodings of cue files? I have a lot of cues in GBK encoding and have to convert them to UTF8 first before open them with Flacon.

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 Re: Encoding support?

 by sokoloff on: Jun 25 2011
Score 50%

Thank you!
Unfortunately I do not know how to automatically detect the encodings of cue. Now, there are auto detection of Unicode by the BOM (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte-order_mark).
But I can add GBK codec into "Codepage" combobox. As it should be displayed in the combo box - "Chinese GBK"?

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 Mandriva package

 by BlueBoy on: Sep 1 2011
Score 50%

Okay here's the link for Mandriva Linux 2010.2 RPM's



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 Re: Mandriva package

 by BlueBoy on: Sep 1 2011
Score 50%

My apologies for the previous muss.
Link for Mandriva Linux 2010.2 brand new RPM's



Best Regards

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