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KDE Sound Application

Score 93%



Homepage:  http://flacon.github.io
Issue Tacker:  Link
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Downloads:  8458
Submitted:  Oct 8 2009
Updated:  Feb 2 2016


Flacon extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files. To do this, it uses information from the appropriate CUE file.
Besides, Flacon makes it possible to conveniently revise or specify tags both for all tracks at once or for each tag separately.
Now Flacon is a pure Qt application.

* Supported input formats: WAV, FLAC, APE, WavPack, True Audio (TTA).
* Supported out formats: FLAC, WAV, WavPack, AAC, OGG or MP3.
* Replay Gain analysis (album-gain and track-gain modes).
* Multi-threaded conversion process.
* Automatic character set detection for CUE files.


Version 2.0.0 and 2.0.1
* Support CUE files with several FILE tags.
* Fix: Flacon crashed if audio file was corrupt.
* Improved stability of the program.
* The program displays the duration of the tracks.
* New visual design of tracks selection.
* Program checks duration of the disk, if disk is shorter than CUE warning mark is displayed.
* Improves in the texts and messages.
* Translations updated
* OS/2 support.

Full changelog - http://flacon.github.io/changelog/

Source(flacon 2.0.1)
Ubuntu(Deb packages for Ubuntu)
SUSE(RPM packages for openSUSE)
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 feature request

 by sl1pkn07 on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

is possible add support for convert/open TTA files to Flac?


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 Re: feature request

 by sokoloff on: Aug 15 2010
Score 63%

Yes is possible with ttaenc. I'll add it to the next release. Wait a few days please.

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 Re: Re: feature request

 by sl1pkn07 on: Aug 21 2010
Score 50%

ok, working without problem

convert the big file TTA on FLAC tracks OK!


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 by lelamal on: Aug 30 2010
Score 70%

Wow, your application is simply amazing! I discovered Flacon by chance, annoyed to have to use two applications (soundKonverter+mp3split), with all the limitations of the case. I'm on Kubuntu Lucid, and am using your PPA: thanks for providing it! Keep up the good work!

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 Little feature

 by MaMuS on: Oct 22 2010
Score 50%

Very good tool! I would only suggest adding a "Source" option for the output directory.

That way, a user could just dump every file and get then back from where they came.

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 Re: Little feature

 by sokoloff on: Oct 22 2010
Score 50%

Do I understand you correctly? You mean that the resulting files will be save in that the same directory where the original file is. Yes, I will add this on the next releases.

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 Re: Re: Little feature

 by MaMuS on: Oct 23 2010
Score 50%

Exactly. That way, if you add files from different directories, the new ones go back to the original place.

I also found a bug where sometimes pasting a new directory in the Directory field won't be respected, and the program ends up outputting to the last one.

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 Re: Re: Re: Little feature

 by sokoloff on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

OK, I was able to repeat it (if used hot keys). Do you use hotkey for start convert?

Will be fixed.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Little feature

 by MaMuS on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Only used ctrl+v shortcut to paste the directory. I haven't used the keyboard to navigate trough the UI, if that's what you mean.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Little feature

 by sokoloff on: Oct 26 2010
Score 50%

Bug fixed. I hope.

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 error when opening UTF-8 cue

 by skye28 on: Oct 24 2010
Score 50%

I get "'str' object has no attribute 'toLatin1'" when I try to load a UTF-8 encoded cue file.

The cue includes metadata in Japanese and is UTF-8 encoded. I tried to encode the file with EUC-JP which loaded fine but the characters were all gibberish. No success with JIS or Shift-JIS either.

I then transliterated all kanji to latin. When saved as UTF-8 it, again, didn't load. When saved as ISO-8859-1 it worked fine.

So there's definitely a problem with parsing UTF-8 cue files. Hope you can help

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 Re: error when opening UTF-8 cue

 by sokoloff on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Yes, this is a bug. I'll upload the fixed version today or tomorrow.

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 Re: Re: error when opening UTF-8 cue

 by skye28 on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Awesome :)

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 feature request

 by overmind88 on: Oct 29 2010
Score 50%

Hi, can you add support of image with integrated cuesheet (often found in.wv)?


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 Re: feature request

 by sokoloff on: Oct 29 2010
Score 50%

Yes, I plan it, and i'll do it.
Unfortunately, I did not have enough time now, so the development has slowed down. But I hope that soon I will find time and severely reduced my todo list.

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 by BlueBoy on: Nov 12 2010
Score 50%

Thanks for this useful application.
This is the link for Mandriva binary .rpm package:



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 Re: Thanks

 by sokoloff on: Nov 13 2010
Score 50%

Thanks you for the package.

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