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KDE Sound Application

Score 93%



Homepage:  http://flacon.github.io
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Downloads:  8458
Submitted:  Oct 8 2009
Updated:  Feb 2 2016


Flacon extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files. To do this, it uses information from the appropriate CUE file.
Besides, Flacon makes it possible to conveniently revise or specify tags both for all tracks at once or for each tag separately.
Now Flacon is a pure Qt application.

* Supported input formats: WAV, FLAC, APE, WavPack, True Audio (TTA).
* Supported out formats: FLAC, WAV, WavPack, AAC, OGG or MP3.
* Replay Gain analysis (album-gain and track-gain modes).
* Multi-threaded conversion process.
* Automatic character set detection for CUE files.


Version 2.0.0 and 2.0.1
* Support CUE files with several FILE tags.
* Fix: Flacon crashed if audio file was corrupt.
* Improved stability of the program.
* The program displays the duration of the tracks.
* New visual design of tracks selection.
* Program checks duration of the disk, if disk is shorter than CUE warning mark is displayed.
* Improves in the texts and messages.
* Translations updated
* OS/2 support.

Full changelog - http://flacon.github.io/changelog/

Source(flacon 2.0.1)
Ubuntu(Deb packages for Ubuntu)
SUSE(RPM packages for openSUSE)
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 by Nenderus on: Jun 7 2010
Score 50%


All files, except pyqticonloader.py, the commentary license GPLv2 +. In this same file is specified GPLv3 +. What is the license of the program you end up with?


Во всех файлах, кроме pyqticonloader.py, в комментариях указана лицензия GPLv2+. В данном же файле указана GPLv3+. Какая лицензия у программы в итоге получается?

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 Re: License

 by sokoloff on: Jun 7 2010
Score 50%

As a result, we have:
(9 files * GPLv2) + (1 file * GPLv3) = GPLv2.1

But seriously, this is my mistake. In reality, the program is distributed under GPLv3.
I will correct headers in the near future.

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 Comment tag

 by imruska on: Jul 25 2010
Score 50%

I like your application, however I would like you to add the possibility of setting the comment tag as well.

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 Re: Comment tag

 by sokoloff on: Jul 26 2010
Score 50%

I'm afraid, not quite sure what you want. Explain please, perhaps with an example.

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 Re: Re: Comment tag

 by imruska on: Jul 28 2010
Score 50%

In the left column under tags you can set the Genre, Year, Artist, Album, DiscID tags. (And the start number).
I would like to have the opportunity to set the Comment tag as well.

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 Re: Re: Re: Comment tag

 by sokoloff on: Jul 28 2010
Score 50%

You're talking about the mp3 tag COMMENT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ID3)?

I think it will be possible to do in the next releases. But maybe to the grid instead of the left panel (column).

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Comment tag

 by imruska on: Jul 28 2010
Score 50%

Yes, I'm talking about the mp3 ID3 comment tag (and flac comment tag).

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 by edio on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

OS: Archlinux i686
pyqt: 4.7.4
python: 2.6.5

When run Flacon, it returns

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/flacon", line 6, in <module>
File "/usr/share/flacon/flacon.py", line 734, in <module>
window = Flacon()
File "/usr/share/flacon/flacon.py", line 48, in __init__
File "/usr/share/flacon/pyqticonloader.py", line 186, in icon
if not loader: loader = QtIconLoaderImplementation()
File "/usr/share/flacon/pyqticonloader.py", line 39, in __init__
File "/usr/share/flacon/pyqticonloader.py", line 53, in lookupIconTheme
subpr = subprocess.Popen(["gconftool", "--get", "/desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 633, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1139, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

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 Re: Bug

 by sokoloff on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

What desktop environment do you use?

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 Re: Re: Bug

 by edio on: Aug 4 2010
Score 50%

Gnome 2.30

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 Re: Bug

 by sokoloff on: Aug 11 2010
Score 50%

Fixed on 0.4.5 release.

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 Feature request

 by edio on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

Also I have a feature request.
It would be great to be able to convert only specified track, but not the whole disk. Is it possible?

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 Re: Feature request

 by sokoloff on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

I thought about this functionality. This can be done, but there is a problem.
I use a shntool program to cut, but it works with the individual tracks not very good.

For example:

Extract all 10 tracks from the file:
time shntool split -w -f INXS.cue INXS.ape
real 1m44.440s
user 1m41.613s
sys 0m4.076s

Now extract only 10 track:
time shntool split -w -x 10 -f INXS.cue INXS.ape
real 1m44.274s
user 1m42.690s
sys 0m1.933s

How do you see the same time.

So I didn't do it.

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 by AlienMike on: Aug 8 2010
Score 50%


Application looks very good but,

Trying to decode something to something I'm getting only the same "Error" window. In console window I see this:

user@linuxbox:~> flacon &
[1] 21119
user@linuxbox:~> (21119): Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/tmp/kdecache-user/ksycoca4"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/flacon/converter.py", line 273, in run
File "/usr/share/flacon/converter.py", line 338, in _run
raise Exception(pipeToStr(proc.stderr))
Encoding time 0 sec.


openSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4 rel.2.

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 Bug Fixed :-)

 by AlienMike on: Aug 11 2010
Score 50%

It was just a corrupted cue file!
Por desgracia "Error window does not give correct information about it!

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 Feature request

 by lassikojo on: Aug 13 2010
Score 50%

How about adding wavpack to supported output formats?

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 Re: Feature request

 by sokoloff on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

You can find this feature in 0.4.6 version (thanks to Artem Aleksuk). The release will be a few days.

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