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Plasmoid Script

Score 91%



Homepage:  Link
Downloads:  14823
Submitted:  Mar 19 2009
Updated:  Jan 31 2012


A Gmail notification widget for your desktop or panel.

This widget is designed to be docked in a panel, or added to your desktop, and display the number of unread messages in multiple Gmail accounts. Clicking on the widget will open the Gmail account in your favorite browser. The widget is written in python, meaning that there is no compiling necessary as long as you have the required script-engine installed.

For more screenshots visit the project homepage.

- *NEW* New simplified version re-implemented in qml and javascript available for testing (very early version with little error checking and many features missing and/or removed).
- *NEW* New qml version likely requires KDE 4.8 (but may work with KDE 4.7).
- *NEW* Testing qml version will coexist with existing gmail-plasmoid (testing version is called gmail-plasmoid-qml).
- *NEW* Any comments regarding new qml version appreciated.

- Selectable fetching mechanism to address multiple issues (see "Misc." configuration tab)
- Dynamic network connection detection
- Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Supports multiple Gmail accounts and Gmail labels
- Supports Gmail hosted domains
- Uses KWallet to securely store passwords
- Configurable icon and text font, size and color
- Configurable command run upon clicking the widget
- Configurable notifications using the KDE notification system
- Includes notification for when no unread emails exist (useful for running command to turn off message indicator LEDs, etc.)
- "Check email now" menu option to force email check upon command
- Ability to manually pause and resume email checking
- Threads context menu that shows unread messages on right-click

Please let me know if you find any problems or would like some new features included. The best place to request new features is on the project's homepage.

How to install:
- Download the latest version
- Uninstall any previous version (see instructions below)
- Run the following command in the directory where the file was placed (updated to reflect the actual filename):

plasmapkg -i gmail-plasmoid-0.7.20.plasmoid

- The widget should now be listed in your "Add Widgets" screen

Note: If you get missing script-engine errors when loading the widget you need to install the plasma python script-engine (in openSUSE this requires the "python-kdebase4" and "python-devel" packages, in Fedora this requires the "kdebase-workspace-python-applet" package, in Kubuntu this requires the "plasma-scriptengine-python" package)

How to uninstall:
- Run the following command at the command line:

plasmapkg -r gmail-plasmoid


0.7.20 (11.07.2011)
- Added workaround for bug affecting kwallet

0.7.19 (10.07.2011)
- Fixed bug in label fetching
- Updated French translation

0.7.18 (09.07.2011)
- Added multiple fetch mechanisms
- Added dynamic network connection detection
- Added ability to reduce debug output

0.7.17 (04.07.2011)
- Updated kwallet handling
- Updated handling of translations
- Made configuration screen non-blocking
- Other minor fixes and changes

0.7.16 (13.02.2011)
- Fixed kwallet issue under KDE SC 4.6

0.7.15 (25.09.2010)
- Fixed issue with newer versions of SIP
- Updated to use default pop-up for better consistency with Plasma desktop

(plasmoid package (version 0.7.20))
(alternate download location (version 0.7.20))
(previous version (version 0.7.19))
(Early development qml based gmail-plasmoid (0.0.3))
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 sorry !

 by carlocl59 on: Jan 22 2012
Score 50%

root@Acer-8920g:/home/carlo/Scaricati# plasmapkg -i gmail-plasmoid-0.7.20.plasmoid
No protocol specified
plasmapkg: cannot connect to X server :0

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 Re: sorry !

 by mjmccans on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

I believe your problem is that you need to run the plasmapkg command as your regular user, not as root. Give that a try and hopefully it will work for you.

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 Could've been perfect!!

 by tkabir11 on: Jan 28 2012
Score 50%

It doesn't work at all when kdewallet is enabled. And when it did work- it would freeze my kde desktop every 10-20 seconds or so because apparently the fetching mechanism is set to python instead of kde by default for reasons I cannot comprehend. Otherwise- its perfect.

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 Re: Could've been perfect!!

 by mjmccans on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

Unfortunately the python bindings that are used by the plasmoid have proved to be problematic, which has led to all sorts of issues for various people and required all sorts of hacks a workarounds to get it working. For example, KWallet works fine for some (like me) and not for others, and the KDE fetching method proved problematic for many so the python fetching method was implemented (but it blocks the desktop on slow connections since it is not multithreaded, and plasma crashes when you try to do it in a multithreaded manner).

However, the good news is that I am in the process of re-implementing a simplified version of the plasmoid in qml and javascript, which I hope will help alleviate these issues. While I’m sure the plasmoid will still not be perfect, hopefully there will be less issues with the new version.

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 About new version

 by zubi on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

I use OpenSuse 12.1 KDE 4.8 qml-0.1.plasmoid
Finally a working version, though still limited, thanks

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 Re: About new version

 by mjmccans on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

I’m glad that it is working for you. The functionality is definitely limited at this point, and very little error checking is done. My plan is to re-implement a number of the features, but try to keep the plasmoid simpler and more lightweight than before. To that end, I am considering not implementing multiple account functionality (I don’t use it anymore myself). However, the qml and javascript used are very simple, so I hope that it will be easier for others to contribute features that they need.

This is my first foray into javascript and qml, so if you or anyone else has any pointers or would like to fix anything boneheaded in the code that would great. My email address is indicated in the plasmoid.

I hope to release new versions over the coming week, as time permits, that will include some more features and robustness. There are also a few visual issues to be worked out as well.

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 by artemisfowl2007 on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

User for a long time, voted down because of the poor implementation. This thing was doing its job fine until recently when it stopped autohiding. Also for the past few days KDE would randomly hang after the login screen doing *nothing* and guess what? It was this little f*cker. Really man, regressions and plasma freezing require quite some skill.

I am sorry for the absurd language but I really can't figure out what's so hard about it.

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 Re: Downvote

 by mjmccans on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

I appreciate your comments, and I have written many comments myself about how the implementation of the plasmoid is less than ideal due to issues with plasma and the python bindings. The python bindings for plasma are quite unstable and change without notice across different versions, resulting in a number of workarounds and hacks in order to have the plasmoid work for as many people as possible. For example, you appear to have been bitten recently by the fact that the python fetching method is not threaded, and implementing a threaded method was not possible because it would crash the entire plasma desktop. There are also some underlying issues with the design of the plasma desktop that make it very easy for a plasmoid to cause problems for the entire desktop. The plasmoid was also started during plasma’s infancy, and some workarounds that were implemented due to missing features are still included in the code that are no longer necessary. The fact that the KDE and python binding packages for many distributions are of low quality does not help either.

However, the good news is that I am rewriting the plasmoid in qml and javascript, which so far seems to be much cleaner in implementation. I am also planning on dropping some of the excess features that made their way into the original plasmoid, which should clean up the design. Since this is my first foray into qml and javascript I would appreciate any constructive criticism that you can provide. Perhapse the plasmoid will even earn back your vote (although I don’t really care about the score of the plasmoid).

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 Re: Re: Downvote

 by artemisfowl2007 on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

If Python bindings are unstable, it seems obvious to me that you should drop them. C++ is the way to go for KDE.

FYI I am currently using the qml plasmoid which seems cleaner although feature-less. Auto-hiding (passive state), manually checking e-mails and a cleaner interface (tooltip shows "Threads" currently when hovered with 0 e-mails) are my reccommendations. I would need no more from such a plasmoid.

Why did you drop auto-hiding?

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 Re: Re: Re: Downvote

 by mjmccans on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

I am now using qml and javascript because that is the recommended way to develop plasmoids, and a scripted plasmoid provides more flexibility across different versions and distributions (theoretically it should work without any changes and does not need to be compiled). Hopefully it will work better than the python bindings, but only time will tell.

The qml plasmoid definitely is featureless since it is the result of only a few hours of work one evening (which also included learning the basics of javascript and qml). I am hoping to clean it up over the next few weeks, including adding more error checking and fixing the issues that you have identified. It also seems to suffer from some display issues (particularly at small sizes), but overall it should look better than the original when it is completed. For example, the original plasmoid was started before qt supported anchors, so the number indicating the number of unread emails is actually written using a painter on top of the icon and then scaled to fit the plasmoid; there appeared to be no other way to display the number correctly at the time. Now with anchors it is possible to have overlapping elements, so the number is a label that sits on top of the icon and should be nice and crisp.

I will add the auto-hiding back in as an option, but it was actually removed on purpose because a decent number of people asked to have the feature removed (about 15 people specifically requested its removal, and I did not like it much myself). Their use scenario was that they used the plasmoid to access their gmail account regardless of whether they had unread messages or not and, therefore, did not want to have the plamsoid hidden. I had always intended to make it an option, but never got around to it as I have very limited free time to work on this thing and was not particularly motivated since it was not a feature I used.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Downvote

 by artemisfowl2007 on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

Removing the feature is way wrong. Users who would like it not to hide should use the system tray settings to disable auto hiding.

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 Label in Label?

 by blackdeagle on: Feb 2 2012
Score 50%

How can I type in the name of a Label which itself is in another label?

Label "Work" contains more Labels named "Boss", "CoWorkers" etc.
How can I let this plasmoid check for "Boss"?

btw works very well so far!

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 by fatino on: Feb 9 2012
Score 50%

Hello, thanks for an awesome plasmoid! I have one request. I dont use tooltips on kde because they are freaking annoying. Now there is no way to check what kind of emails I get. Maybe you can add option to show emails like in tooltips after clicking on plasmoid?

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