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Plasmoid Script

Score 91%



Homepage:  Link
Downloads:  14823
Submitted:  Mar 19 2009
Updated:  Jan 31 2012


A Gmail notification widget for your desktop or panel.

This widget is designed to be docked in a panel, or added to your desktop, and display the number of unread messages in multiple Gmail accounts. Clicking on the widget will open the Gmail account in your favorite browser. The widget is written in python, meaning that there is no compiling necessary as long as you have the required script-engine installed.

For more screenshots visit the project homepage.

- *NEW* New simplified version re-implemented in qml and javascript available for testing (very early version with little error checking and many features missing and/or removed).
- *NEW* New qml version likely requires KDE 4.8 (but may work with KDE 4.7).
- *NEW* Testing qml version will coexist with existing gmail-plasmoid (testing version is called gmail-plasmoid-qml).
- *NEW* Any comments regarding new qml version appreciated.

- Selectable fetching mechanism to address multiple issues (see "Misc." configuration tab)
- Dynamic network connection detection
- Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Supports multiple Gmail accounts and Gmail labels
- Supports Gmail hosted domains
- Uses KWallet to securely store passwords
- Configurable icon and text font, size and color
- Configurable command run upon clicking the widget
- Configurable notifications using the KDE notification system
- Includes notification for when no unread emails exist (useful for running command to turn off message indicator LEDs, etc.)
- "Check email now" menu option to force email check upon command
- Ability to manually pause and resume email checking
- Threads context menu that shows unread messages on right-click

Please let me know if you find any problems or would like some new features included. The best place to request new features is on the project's homepage.

How to install:
- Download the latest version
- Uninstall any previous version (see instructions below)
- Run the following command in the directory where the file was placed (updated to reflect the actual filename):

plasmapkg -i gmail-plasmoid-0.7.20.plasmoid

- The widget should now be listed in your "Add Widgets" screen

Note: If you get missing script-engine errors when loading the widget you need to install the plasma python script-engine (in openSUSE this requires the "python-kdebase4" and "python-devel" packages, in Fedora this requires the "kdebase-workspace-python-applet" package, in Kubuntu this requires the "plasma-scriptengine-python" package)

How to uninstall:
- Run the following command at the command line:

plasmapkg -r gmail-plasmoid


0.7.20 (11.07.2011)
- Added workaround for bug affecting kwallet

0.7.19 (10.07.2011)
- Fixed bug in label fetching
- Updated French translation

0.7.18 (09.07.2011)
- Added multiple fetch mechanisms
- Added dynamic network connection detection
- Added ability to reduce debug output

0.7.17 (04.07.2011)
- Updated kwallet handling
- Updated handling of translations
- Made configuration screen non-blocking
- Other minor fixes and changes

0.7.16 (13.02.2011)
- Fixed kwallet issue under KDE SC 4.6

0.7.15 (25.09.2010)
- Fixed issue with newer versions of SIP
- Updated to use default pop-up for better consistency with Plasma desktop

(plasmoid package (version 0.7.20))
(alternate download location (version 0.7.20))
(previous version (version 0.7.19))
(Early development qml based gmail-plasmoid (0.0.3))
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 Plasmoid Troubleshooting

 by tetris4 on: Aug 20 2011
Score 50%


After adding this plasmoid to plasma, it fails to detect the accounts I create, so it stays there red with the exclamation mark. When I hover the mouse on it, I get a notification "no accounts configured".

Running the plasmoid from the CLI with plasmaviewer, it works normally, showing my new emails and all.

Could I be missing a dependency? Any other idea of what could be the cause of this?

I am on Chakra x86_64 running KDE 4.7.

Thank you

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 plasma crashed

 by Piotruczko on: Sep 2 2011
Score 50%

Performing KIO test fetch...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mero/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/gmail-plasmoid/contents/code/main.py", line 399, in checkMail
File "/home/mero/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/gmail-plasmoid/contents/code/gmail.py", line 106, in checkMail
f = opener.open(atomurl)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 391, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 409, in _open
'_open', req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 369, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1193, in https_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPSConnection, req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1160, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 8] _ssl.c:499: EOF occurred in violation of protocol>

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 Plasma freezes in KDE 4.7

 by YAFU on: Sep 18 2011
Score 50%

I do not know some people will have already reported the problem I have. I'm using Gmail Plasmoid on KDE 4.7 (Kubuntu 64bit). I put Gmail Plasmoid in the system tray, and it makes the panel to freeze randomly and stop working. I have to kill plasma-desktop and launch it again, but then the problem recurs. I've seen other people have similar problems:

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 Re: Plasma freezes in KDE 4.7

 by chepioq on: Sep 18 2011
Score 50%

I use gmail-plasmoid wiyh KDE 4.7 on my Fedora without any problems...

May be it's problem with Ubuntu ?

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 Re: Re: Plasma freezes in KDE 4.7

 by YAFU on: Sep 18 2011
Score 50%

Perhaps a dependency used by Gmail Plasmoid are different versions in Ubuntu and Fedora, and there are problems with Ubuntu version.

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 Re: Plasma freezes in KDE 4.7

 by mjmccans on: Sep 20 2011
Score 50%

I would try switching to the KIO fetch mechanism in the settings. The python fetch method is not threaded, and will therefore cause all of plasma to freeze up if the fetching is not quick through your internet connection. Making the python fetching method threaded or otherwise non-blocking is on my list of things to do, but all my attempts thus far have just resulted in crashing plasma. I hope this helps, and hopefully there will be a better solution in the future.

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 Re: Re: Plasma freezes in KDE 4.7

 by YAFU on: Sep 21 2011
Score 50%

I selected KDE in "Fetching mechanism". I have not had any problem yet.
Thank you!

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 Re: Re: Re: Plasma freezes in KDE 4.7

 by schnelle on: Sep 28 2011
Score 50%

I can confirm that KDE fetching mechanism solves plasma freezing for me too.

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 not show unread messages

 by zubi on: Nov 11 2011
Score 50%

From lot of time the program is not working for me, does not show unread messages.
Tell me please how to understand where the problem comes?
I use openSUSE 11.4 KDE 4.7.3

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 by demilord on: Dec 7 2011
Score 50%

doesn't work here PCLinuxOS fully updated.
Try to configure mail, all i get is blank box with ok and cancel

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 Re: Useless

 by mjmccans on: Jan 31 2012
Score 50%

I realize that I am responding a little late to your message, and sorry about the delay. Your issue is due to faulty packages from your distribution (this has been seen both others as well). Once you or your distribution fixes the issue the plasmoid's configuration screen will display properly (perhaps it is already fixed). Once it works I hope that you will not find it "useless".

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 Polkit-Qt-1 0.103.0 and gmail-plasmoid

 by D-- on: Dec 19 2011
Score 50%

hi, after upgrading to Polkit-Qt-1 0.103 gmail plasmoid doesn't work anymore if I use the KDE fetching mechanism.

It works with the python mechanism.

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