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KDE Database

Score 87%



Link:  Link
Downloads:  14823
Submitted:  Jan 10 2004
Updated:  Dec 8 2015


Tellico is a collection manager for keeping track of your books, bibliographies, videos, music, comic books, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, wines, board games, or any custom items. It supports any number of user-defined fields, of several different types: text, paragraph, list, checkbox, year, URL, tables, images, dates, and combinations.

Tellico imports Bibtex, Bibtexml, MODS, RIS, PDF, and CSV and exports to Bibtex, Bibtexml, CSV, HTML, and PilotDB. It offers grouping, view filtering, and searching. Tellico can also import data from Amazon.com and IMDb.com, along with z39.50 servers, CDDB data, audio files, SRU servers, several different websites, and from the Alexandria and GCstars applications.

Note that kde-apps.org is not a support forum. Please sent comments, questions, or bug reports to the Tellico mailing list or the Tellico forum.


Tellico 2.3.11
* Improved support for importing PDF files from Science Direct.
* Enabled optional build support for QImageBlitz library.
* Fixed scrolling problem with large tables (Bug 348189).
* Fixed HTML exported titles with quotation marks (Bug 348381).
* Fixed crashing bug with file listing importer (Bug 345458).
* Fixed crashing bug with importing MODS files with external fetcher.
* Fixed accelerator key conflict (Bug 351226).
* Fixed bug with image importing for Discogs data source.

Tellico 2.3.10
* Updated Discogs fetcher to new API (Bug 342827).
* Updated Moviemeter fetcher to new API.
* Added filter rules for "Greater than" and "Less than" numbers.
* Updated BoardGameGeek fetcher to new API.
* Added capability to import a BoardGameGeek collection.
* Added a data source for Mathematical Reviews.
* Fixed crashing bug with some ISBNdb results (Bug 339063).
* Updated Producer results for IMDb and TheMovieDB fetchers (Bug 336765).
* Fixed bug with Allocine API search using punctuation (Bug 337432).
* Fixed bug with importing Goodreads collection.

Backup your data file and collection images often!

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 title overlay

 by mattepiu on: Nov 12 2006
Score 50%

Is there a way to "overlay" the movie
title when showing or generating
I explain myself better:
when i do a reasearch in IMDB using
the italian title, it gives me the
english title and the italian title is
in the description field (in this way:
year "italian title" etc.etc.).
I would like that reports and template
view would show that title (that's in
quotes inside description when
searching IMDB) even if the real title
(for future update) is still the
english/original one. Is that possible?

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 Re: title overlay

 by mattepiu on: Nov 13 2006
Score 50%

Doesn't matters anymore, I hacked
the py script to get data directly
from italian databases.

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 Re: title overlay

 by mattepiu on: Nov 14 2006
Score 50%

Ok, I've inserted all 5 Italian movie scripts (filmup, castlerock, filmtvit, cinematografo, and filmscoop that's beta)
where they should be:

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 Dutch ISBN search.

 by FlshTux on: Nov 21 2006
Score 50%


I'm using Tellico for some time now for my DVD movie collection.

Now I want to store my books in the same program.
Since I live in the Netherlands, I would like the possibility that
Tellico can search the Dutch ISBN database.

A lot of (of course Dutch) books are not found with the current ISBN
search template which the program uses now.

I'm not sure where the dutch ISBN database is located on the web,
but I managed to find the next site which might clarify things.
" http://www.isbn-international.org/en/agencies/netherlands.html "

The (Windows) program "Book Collector" (http://www.collectorz.com/book/)
apparently already uses a dutch ISBN search template.
Almost every book I search for are found in this ISBN database.

Is there already an Dutch ISBN search template for Tellico, or has this to
be programmed from scratch ?

Maybe a possibllity could be to modify an already existing search template ?
How difficult is this ? (I'm not a programmer.)
(I'm not sure if this is legal, though.)

Who helps ?

Best regards,

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 A Few Suggestions

 by laser60 on: Dec 30 2006
Score 50%

Thanks man, very great application.

It is not long time passed from when I started working with database softwares (Kexi, OOo Base and Tellico) and finally I chose Tellico over the others for my collections. My experience with Tellico says:
1- Tellico is really fast. The slowness of OOo Base is really annoying. Tellico has better GUI (more handy) than Kexi.

2- I know that Tellico was designed for "home users" and the other choices are more professional. But Tellico completely satisfies what I expect from a good "Collection Manager".

3- But it can have some improvement. The "Custom Collection" form building is too simple. I prefer to have a little more freedom in placing the widgets where I like and changing the size of form. I understand this "little more" needs much of coding, but I think this feature is really needed.

4-A search feature over all the collection fields (or selected fields) may be useful too. I know filtering is a good way for reaching desired entries, but a search may serve better sometimes. Because you use single file saving (not a real database), I don't think it is very difficult to implement.

5- Some other features like tab browsing(opening entries in new tabs). When it comes to comparing some entries, viewing each entry in a tab is very useful.

6- (This is just a idea, not a suggestion).When a project grows and gets large or at least reach a mature point, I think it is not interesting for other programmers to come and participate. So implementing a pluggin installation feature may add other functionalities using pluggins and then, if a nice pluggin found" it can be implemented in the core code. It also has the benefit of attracting advanced users(novice programmers). I have no clear idea of what these pluggins may do, but an example maybe a pluggin written in Gambas which adds beagle search to Tellico. Th pluggin feature may be simply a command executor which runs a little program and gives it some arguments.

Anyway,I appreciate what you've done. I think it has simplify my work very much. What I suggested, is useful when you collecting some "unusual" collections, like newspaper excerpts, biographies... which a usual home user is interested in collecting them too.

Thank you and good luck.

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 SuSE 10.2 V1.2.8

 by linux3114a on: Feb 8 2007
Score 50%


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 Kubuntu Compiling

 by johny454 on: Mar 12 2007
Score 50%


I'm using kubuntu 6.10 version. Trying to compile by putting first "./configure" I get this strange output - I supose something is wrong with my c++ compiler but for now I know too little to resolv it by myself

This is the config.log file:


Thanks in advance

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 Wikipedia - Import

 by 8563 on: Mar 23 2007
Score 50%

Hello out there :-)

I have a little question:
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org) has also datas for films (Example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean%27s_Eleven_%282001_film%29 ) Please look in the table on the top right.

Can Tellico include the datas like IMDB or Amazon?

(Note: I'm not a very good programmer)


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 Re: Wikipedia - Impo

 by robby on: Mar 23 2007
Score 50%

It does. I just tried with imdb and amazon.

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