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KDE Database

Score 87%



Link:  Link
Downloads:  14823
Submitted:  Jan 10 2004
Updated:  Dec 8 2015


Tellico is a collection manager for keeping track of your books, bibliographies, videos, music, comic books, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, wines, board games, or any custom items. It supports any number of user-defined fields, of several different types: text, paragraph, list, checkbox, year, URL, tables, images, dates, and combinations.

Tellico imports Bibtex, Bibtexml, MODS, RIS, PDF, and CSV and exports to Bibtex, Bibtexml, CSV, HTML, and PilotDB. It offers grouping, view filtering, and searching. Tellico can also import data from Amazon.com and IMDb.com, along with z39.50 servers, CDDB data, audio files, SRU servers, several different websites, and from the Alexandria and GCstars applications.

Note that kde-apps.org is not a support forum. Please sent comments, questions, or bug reports to the Tellico mailing list or the Tellico forum.


Tellico 2.3.11
* Improved support for importing PDF files from Science Direct.
* Enabled optional build support for QImageBlitz library.
* Fixed scrolling problem with large tables (Bug 348189).
* Fixed HTML exported titles with quotation marks (Bug 348381).
* Fixed crashing bug with file listing importer (Bug 345458).
* Fixed crashing bug with importing MODS files with external fetcher.
* Fixed accelerator key conflict (Bug 351226).
* Fixed bug with image importing for Discogs data source.

Tellico 2.3.10
* Updated Discogs fetcher to new API (Bug 342827).
* Updated Moviemeter fetcher to new API.
* Added filter rules for "Greater than" and "Less than" numbers.
* Updated BoardGameGeek fetcher to new API.
* Added capability to import a BoardGameGeek collection.
* Added a data source for Mathematical Reviews.
* Fixed crashing bug with some ISBNdb results (Bug 339063).
* Updated Producer results for IMDb and TheMovieDB fetchers (Bug 336765).
* Fixed bug with Allocine API search using punctuation (Bug 337432).
* Fixed bug with importing Goodreads collection.

Backup your data file and collection images often!

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 by RadioMan on: Feb 4 2004
Score 50%

Just what I've been lookingg for. Will try ASAP.

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 DTD file

 by uga on: Feb 5 2004
Score 50%

I was astonished by the program and using it for a DB of my articles, when I found something really funny. The program worked much faster when I was online, and it was too sluggish while offline.

Want to know the reason? Hehe ;) It seems the program loads the DTD from the internet everytime you click on an element, and takes around 20-30 seconds to timeout:

error : Resource temporarily unavailable
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://periapsis.org/bookcase/dtd/v5/bookcase.dtd"
enson/DTD Bookcase V5.0//EN" "http://periapsis.org/bookcase/dtd/v5/bookcase.dtd

I'm not quite sure if this could be related to the use of KDE from HEAD.

In case you want more info on this I'll be happy to help at #kde-devel on IRC.



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 Re: DTD file

 by robby on: Feb 5 2004
Score 50%

That's weird. I guess I need to check some options in libxslt. I did change the DTD to refer to a canonical site, but I didn't realize that it would download it every time.

Color me bumfuzzled.

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 Re: DTD file

 by robby on: Feb 5 2004
Score 50%

One way to stop Bookcase from DTD polling is to compile with the --with-xml-catalog switch in the configure script. That's why I hadn't noticed the slowdown myself.

Meanwhile, I'll try to figure out how to disable the DTD parsing altogether.

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 Re: Re: DTD file

 by uga on: Feb 5 2004
Score 50%

Ah thanks, I had worked around it temporarilly by replacing the http:// addresss for my /usr/local absolute path.

I'll check that too. Thanks again

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 by uga on: Feb 6 2004
Score 50%

Hey, thanks again! It's a very good tool. I just finished my paper database. Couldn't be any more useful.

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 compile error

 by akbowbender on: Feb 8 2004
Score 50%

I am trying to compile 0.8.3 on my Fedora Core 1 system. The compile fails with this message: libtool: link: `/usr/lib/libGL.la' is not a valid libtool archive' I have also tried to install from the RPM, but it needs libxslt1 which doesn't appear to be available for Fedora. Tried installing the Mandrake RPM, but it conflicts with files from the libxslt RPM that comes with Fedora. Would really like to get your app running on my system....looks great, uses a great file format, looks to be very easy to use and would a useful addition to my system.


Chuck Hakari
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 Re: compile error

 by robby on: Feb 8 2004
Score 50%

NVidia bug, read this page:

The RPM doesn't work since it's specific to Mandrake.

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 Re: Re: compile erro

 by akbowbender on: Feb 8 2004
Score 50%

Thanks! That's all that it took to work properly. Looks great!

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 display as hypertext

 by bobuse on: Feb 24 2004
Score 50%

Great app !

I used it for my Bibtex bibliography.

It will be appreciable, if bookcase could display file's url form "file" field as hypertext link as in the "url" field, for example : file://home/me/work/papers/papername.pdf display the file in a viewer when I click it.

An other bonus feature would be to be able to export easily the cite-id : via a dcop call, or directly to a pipe !

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 display as hypertext

 by bobuse on: Feb 24 2004
Score 50%

Great app !

I used it for my Bibtex bibliography.

It will be appreciable, if bookcase could display file's url form "file" field as hypertext link as in the "url" field, for example : file://home/me/work/papers/papername.pdf display the file in a viewer when I click it.

An other bonus feature would be to be able to export easily the cite-id : via a dcop call, or directly to a pipe !

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