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koffice multitouch/easy/small screens


KDE4 Brainstorm

Score 75%
koffice multitouch/easy/small screens

koffice multitouch/easy/small screens

Downloads:  24
Submitted:  Dec 29 2009


I have thought about todays situations where one wants to use wordprocessors, spreadsheet etc. and I have come to the conclusion that current office applications have some flaws concering usability on small screens, touchtables/touchscreens and easy use for the novice.

So here is my first idea how these problems could be solved (see screenshot). The idea is that the program does not require more than one mouse-button (i.e. touchinterface compatibility), it does not use screen space that may be needed for the content and it put more intelligence to the interface by adapting to situations.

Please comment and vote so I know if I should develope the idea further and maybe the koffice-teams takes this into consideration.

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 Explain second screen

 by purple-bobby on: Dec 30 2009
Score 50%

This kind of thing is very important.
Please can you give a fuller explanation of what is going on in the second screen.

As you have spotted, you need to play to the interfaces strengths and avoid its weaknesses.

If you were to map a mouse to two finger touch, then the left button could be one finger and the right button the other - an anchor cursor would mark where one finger clicked/touched, and the active cursor where the other is.

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 Re: Explain second screen

 by loony on: Dec 30 2009
Score 50%


thanks for your comment. Here is a detailed description of whats going on on the second screen (wordprocessor):

The user writes some text and now wishes to do something with it, e.g. "copy" a part of the text to the computers memory (that's why I call it "memory", because this is more intuitive). So the user places the cursor by touching/clicking on the desired position and then touches the button "Memory". The application then offers the user to memorize the word at the position only, or the sentence or the whole paragraph. The same applies to things like "Insert" and "Formatting".

These are just the first ideas how a smarter and less confusing interface for wordprocessors could look like.

Certainly, this is the beginning of the brainstorm, so expect more details to come.

As to the idea of having an anchor cursor, it would be nice on big screens or if you have a mouse or some other input device. On small devices (like smartphones and very small netbooks) it might not be practical to use two fingers. Or, if you look at the planned olpc 2 tablet (http://www.dailytech-update.com/10215/one-laptop-per-child-scheme-unveils-a-tablet-for-under-100/), you even might not be able too use the second hand/finger because you need it to hold the device.
On touchtables where more than one user works this might also be a problem. However, why not having both methods? :)

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