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GTK 3.x Theme/Style

Score 65%


Downloads:  1435
Submitted:  Sep 8 2015
Updated:  Sep 11 2015


If youve been waiting for a GTK3-compatible version of Shiki-Colors and/or other variations, your wait is officially over! :-) This is a series of GTK2/GTK3/Openbox themes not only in each of the official seven Shiki-Colors color schemes, but there are also five different styles available as well:

Light: Kinda like Elementary (just use Elementary or something similar as your Metacity/Unity/Cinnamon/etc. theme)

Mixed: Like the light version, except with dark menus.

NeoShiki: A GTK2/3 Shiki-Colors remake. For this style as well as the two after it, I have also posted a link to the original Shiki-Colors themes so that you can download the Metacity themes, which I have designed these themes to seamlessly integrate with.

Obsidian: Dark, but with a white base and black text for compatibility with some websites, plus its also the basis for some of the other color variations I have in mind that Ill be creating later.

PitchDark: A true dark variation.

In other words, there are 35 themes in all! Moreover, they are available either sorted by color scheme or by style. The names will be reversed so that they show up in order by your choice of color or style, but all the contents are identical.

As an added bonus, there are some other color variations I have in mind with these themes, which will be periodically released on here, along with matching GNOME-Colors-styled icon themes, so stay tuned!


Forgot to post screenshots, which I have taken care of.

menu.items.active.text.color in the Wise Pitch-Dark Openbox theme changed from white to black to match with the corresponding GTK themes.

Slightly dimmed the text color in all of the PitchDark themes due to apps that, in spite of using a dark theme, still insist on white text backgrounds (I noticed this problem on the Spotify Linux client).

(LX-Colors -- by color or style)
(Shiki-Colors Metacity themes)
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 Thank you

 by sigahotcore on: Sep 8 2015
Score 63%

Thank you for bringing Shiki back !
Gnome 2 lives again !
Would you consider bringing back Slickess , it was one of the most amazing themes before whole gnome 3/ unity garbage ?

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 Re: Thank you

 by fredbird67 on: Sep 8 2015
Score 70%

Uh...problem is, I don't consider myself to be that smart. LOL But hey, I too think it would be neat if someone could create a GTK3-compatible version of Slickness. In fact, given how screwed-up GTK3 is (although it's my understanding that the API may finally be stable and thus not break themes with each upgrade -- crossing my fingers...), I can't help but wonder if that's even possible (does anyone know for sure? I know that that's not possible in LXDE/Openbox, which is what I'm using, thus, the name for the theme series).

I do, however, have a black version in mind when I get around to it. Right now, I gotta be at work in 1 hour, but I could create that next if you'd like for me to. Won't quite be as shiny as Slickness, of course, but it'll at least be the same general colors.

Actually, on second thought (I'm thinking out loud here), I think it might be doable in the GTK3-side "gtk-widgets.css" file wherever it specifically mentions gradients for the scrollbars, menu highlights, and the like, by specifying shading multiplier factors pretty far apart. Ya know, I think you might be on to something here...I think bits and pieces of it can be done, at least -- the menubar and titlebar part I'm not so sure about, though...ya know, I think you've just given me the idea...I'll hafta find the original and play around with it and try to simulate it on the GTK3 side. However, I can't promise anything, but I'll tinker around with it sometime as a little experiment.

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 Re: Re: Thank you

 by Ravefinity on: Sep 8 2015
Score 50%
Open Source Design Project

Great work FreeBird. This is lovely.

And I do hope GTK3 will stop changing their API because it does makes it very hard on themers at times. I understand they want to improve things but breaking things every 6 mouths kinda sucks.

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 Re: Re: Re: Thank you

 by fredbird67 on: Sep 9 2015
Score 50%

I couldn't agree more. I was a GNOME user until 2010, when I saw the changes coming and did not like what I saw one bit, so I switched to Xfce, which was my official desktop of choice for about 4 years until I learned about their plans to eventually migrate to GTK3 (which they haven't done YET, but plan to, last I knew). However, I learned that LXDE plans to instead migrate to a Qt base when GTK2 is officially dead and gone, so that convinced me to switch to LXDE.

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 by sigahotcore on: Sep 9 2015
Score 50%

Thanks for quick reply Fred !
Since Gnome3 came out i tried to use it but have settled for MATE ! It is as close to old Gnome as one can wish .
Unfortunately gtk3 is here to stay and sooner they stabilise it will be better for everyone .
In the mean time keep up good work , it ismuch appreciated !
If you can do anything with Slickness that would be great , these new flat themes are just not doing it for me .

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 Re: Slickness

 by fredbird67 on: Sep 9 2015
Score 50%

I hear ya -- I have never liked the flat themes, either. Just because Microsoft has been doing that since version 8 of that virus that masquerades as an operating system, does that mean that those of us in Linux-land have to, too? I for one think not.

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